A study was conducted to evaluate the adaptation and growth performance of four agroforestry tree species at Fedis and Meta districts, East Hararghe Zone, oromia for four years (June 2018 - June 2022). Four multipurpose tree species (Moringa stenophatala, Acacia albida, Acacia saligna and Casuirina equistifolia) were tested in RCBD design with three replications. Data on growth parameters, plant height, survival rate and diameter were measured and recorded at interval of three months .Results revealed that there were highly significant (p<0.05) variations among tree species in survival rate.. Among the species tasted, A. saligna, M. stenophatala, and A. albida, showed the highest performance followed by C. equistifolia in terms survival rate at Fedis condition. While M. stenophatala showed poor survival rate at the Meta condition. Poor survival rate might be attributed to the climate, soil type and agro ecology of the study area. Concerning of plant height, root collar diameter and DBH, A. saligna and C. equistifolia were showed good performance followed by M. stenophatala but A. albida were shoed poor performance at Fedis area. A. saligna and C. equistifolia were showed good performance in height growth, followed by A. albida and M. stenophatala at Meta site. A. saligna, A.albida, and C.equistifolia howed the highest mean survival rate at the study area. Hence it can be inferred that the conditions of Fedis and Meta matched with the environmental requirement of those tree species. On the other hand, species of M. stenophatala showed lowest performance at the Meta area. Accordingly, those tree species which had better performance were recommended for further demonstration in the study area and similar agro ecologies. Therefore; planting of these better performing tree species and promotion as agroforestry practices were recommended for soil conservation, shading, and fuel wood and in general multifunction purposes in the area.
Survival rate, Agroforestry, Multipurpose trees, Climate change, Growth
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