Call For Paper | Volume-9 | Issue-2
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - IJTSRD having online ISSN 2456-6470. IJTSRD is a leading Open Access, Peer-Reviewed International Journal which provides rapid publication of your research articles and aims to promote the theory and practice
along with knowledge sharing between researchers, developers, engineers, students,
and practitioners working in and around the world in many areas like Sciences, Technology,
Innovation, Engineering, Agriculture, Management and many more and it is recommended by all Universities, review articles and short communications in all subjects.
IJTSRD ECO Journal Details:
Journal Type:
International Open Access
Every 2 months (6 issues annually)
Review (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification:
Within 7-8 Days
Paper Publish:
Within 2-3 Days after submitting the all documents
Research Area:
Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy, Management, Biological Science, Applied Mathematics,
Physics and Chemistry, Commerce, Arts, Medical Science and many more
Impact Factor:
Issue in the year of 2023 is 8.125 |
Current Issue
Upcoming Issue
Issue Type
Volume-9 | Issue-2
Volume 9 | Issue – 2
Issue Start Date
Issue End Date
Last Date of Submission
Review Results Notification
Within 7-8 Days
IJTSRD being a part of eco friendly community promotes the e-publication mode by
publishing all its journals through regular subscription of IJTSRD ECO Journal.
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IJTSRD Journals offer following benefits to the all scholarly publishers:
- Standards of high-quality, fast & easy paper publishing process, rapid review and
- Has process strength in journal production and distribution through its international
network of distributors
- Provides broad visibility through Promotion and Distribution
- Provide Certificate to all authors and many more..!
We are welcoming all scholarly publishers who are interested to publish their selected
manuscripts with International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
- IJTSRD are requested to contact on given below details. For any further information,
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Monday - Saturday
9 AM - 7 PM IST
(For queries related to publication, to join editorial board, reviewer board.)
Call for Paper of engineering, pharmacy, management, bio logical science, other scientific area. Call for Research Paper of humanities and the arts, chemistry, physics, medicine, mathematics, economics, computer science, home science. Inquire us today. Contact us at +91 - 70961 55570, skype: editor.ijtsrd,
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