The fingerprints left by the perpetrators are the first thing a forensic team searches for during a crime investigation. These prints could be visible or hidden (also known as latent). The development of these latent fingerprints on various surfaces is done using a variety of approaches. An important and useful method, most commonly used in forensic investigations for wet surfaces involves Small Particle Reagent method. In present work, we report the use of a UV fluorescent Schiff's base as an effective organic compound which has been employed as a small particle reagent. It has been used for the visualisation of latent finger prints on various non-absorbent surfaces. The advantage of employing this Schiff's base as a small particle reagent over previously utilised dyes is that it is less expensive, contains no heavy metal, and may be used on a variety of surfaces. Furthermore, while taking images, visualisation does not necessitate the use of a particular UV lamp or filter.
Latent fingerprints, Powder technique, Small Particle Reagent, Schiff's base, UV fluorescence
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