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Overview of Impact of Electromagnetic Phenomena and Power Quality Disturbances

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Volume-9 | Issue-2

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Overview of Impact of Electromagnetic Phenomena and Power Quality Disturbances

Joel Ogunyemi | Ayangbenjo H. Adeyeye | Peter O. Mbamaluikem

Joel Ogunyemi | Ayangbenjo H. Adeyeye | Peter O. Mbamaluikem "Overview of Impact of Electromagnetic Phenomena and Power Quality Disturbances" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-8 | Issue-2, April 2024, pp.831-838, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd64773.pdf

The usage of increasingly sophisticated electrical and electronic device systems in households and businesses has resulted in a constant rise in the demand for electrical energy. From radar and space exploration at ultra-high frequencies to metal detection at ultra-low frequencies, the electromagnetic spectrum is being used. Technology has advanced to more effectively capture and distribute electrical energy as a result of this need. Because of this, scientists are always looking for novel approaches to maximize the electromagnetic spectrum's utility for a range of purposes. Biological impacts, interactions with sensitive electronic equipment, and the influence of electromagnetic fields on the distribution of electric currents in power circuits are the three main categories into which electromagnetic disturbances can be classified. Due to its increased sensitivity to various electromagnetic phenomena, equipment in residential, commercial, and industrial settings needs immunity. In contemporary power distribution networks, harmonic disturbances are the main factor contributing to power quality degradation in nonlinear loads that contain power electronics. Harmonic disturbances, which can interfere with the operation of delicate electronic equipment, have increased as a result of the widespread use of power electronics in gadgets. Electrical systems must be built with immunity to electromagnetic disturbances to provide consistent power quality. The study highlights the importance of implementing proper grounding techniques and filtering devices to minimize the effects of electromagnetic interference on sensitive equipment. By addressing these issues, power quality can be improved, leading to more reliable operation of electrical systems

Electromagnetic disturbance, Frequency spectrum, Electromagnetic compatibility, Power quality, Compatibility level and Immunity level

Volume-8 | Issue-2, April 2024
IJTSRD | www.ijtsrd.com | E-ISSN 2456-6470
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

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