Home > Humanities and the Arts > Education > Volume-3 > Issue-6 > Workshop Planning Techniques and the Achievement of Electrical and Power Engineering Students’ in Higher Technical Teachers Training Colleges (HTTTCs) of Bambili and Kumba, Cameroon

Workshop Planning Techniques and the Achievement of Electrical and Power Engineering Students’ in Higher Technical Teachers Training Colleges (HTTTCs) of Bambili and Kumba, Cameroon

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Workshop Planning Techniques and the Achievement of Electrical and Power Engineering Students’ in Higher Technical Teachers Training Colleges (HTTTCs) of Bambili and Kumba, Cameroon

Ngwa Marcus Suh | Nnane Peter Ebontane

Ngwa Marcus Suh | Nnane Peter Ebontane "Workshop Planning Techniques and the Achievement of Electrical and Power Engineering Students’ in Higher Technical Teachers Training Colleges (HTTTCs) of Bambili and Kumba, Cameroon" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6, October 2019, pp.17-36, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd28054.pdf

This paper focused on Workshop planning Techniques and the achievement of Electricity and Power Engineering (EPE) students in the Higher Technical Teachers Training Colleges (HTTTCs) Bambili and Kumba, as well as what teachers and students think can be done to address would be problems. This study was aimed at empirically establishing the extent to which students’ achievement in the department of EPE in HTTTC influenced by planning techniques used in workshop practicals?This was done from the perspective of lectures, students and the raw scores of students’ practical performances. The survey and descriptive design was used. The simple random sampling and clustered random sampling techniques were employed. A sample of 65 students and 10 teachers from the population of 109 students and teachers of the second cycles of the two institutions. Data collected through the use of 48 items questionnaires, “closed-end and open-ended”, for students, interview guide for lecturers and raw scores of students’ practical performances. Data was analysed using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) and the techniques of content analyses respectively. The responses of the students’ questionnaires have been analysed both descriptively and inferentially. Descriptively the responses have been analysed item by item using simply frequencies and percentages and as well as mean options. (Ranging from 4 to 1 and a critical value of 2.50) in search of trends on how workshop management techniques influence students academic achievement in the Department of EPE. The decision to agree or disagree has been established and taken under the conditions outlined on table 4.1. The chi-squared statistics has been used to test whether or not the perceptions of the students of HTTTC Bambili are similar to those of Kumba. The study concluded from the findings that there was a significant relationship between Workshop planning Techniques that influenced students’ academic achievement in EPE in both schools.

Workshop, Planning, Techniques, Achievement, Electrical, Power Engineering, Higher, Technical Teachers Training Colleges, Bambili, Kumba

Volume-3 | Issue-6, October 2019
IJTSRD | www.ijtsrd.com | E-ISSN 2456-6470
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

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