Eye is the organ for visual sensation, if vision is lost merely everything is lost. A blind man, though rich cannot enjoy the world, so it is explained that “Sarvendiiyaanaam nayanapradaaam.” Timira1 is the root cause for blindness, hence it should be treated with great care. In this digital era, people spend too much time in using laptop, smartphones, tablets etc. visualizing the smaller objects for longer duration, intake of poor nutritious food causes vitiation of doshas which in turn causes indistinct vision of objects. Hence Timira can be correlated to myopia. The prevalence of myopia in Asia is as high as 80-90% in young adults. As famous quotation say “Naasa hi shirasodwaaram” nose is a gateway of drug administration in case of Urdhwajatrugata rogas. Kaseesa bhasma2, is mentioned as Ateevanetrya, in classics. Triphala churna and madhu is mentioned as Anupana. Triphala churna possesses Rasayana, Balya, Chakshushya, Tridoshahara properties. Madhu possesses Chakshushya, Lekhana, Vata-kaphahara properties. Abhijitataila[3] is a netrarasayana having drugs amalaki, yastimadhu and goksheera. All are having rasayana and chakshushya properties. As Amalaki contains ascorbic acid an excellent antioxidant for eyes, it prevents the degeneration, clears the eye sight and even blind can regain his lost vision.
Timira; Myopia, Kasisa bhasma, Abhijita taila, Nasya
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