Rasashastra is the Ayurvedic chemistry, the science of life which deals with mercury and its processing. Bhaishajya Kalpana deals with the preparation of plant based medicine helps in treating the diseases. Vaidhyanatha vati1 is one of the unique kharaliya rasayana mentioned in Rasendra sara sangraha Udavartaanaha adhikara. This formulation having ingredients like Rasasindoora2, Trikatu3, Haritaki4 and Shuddha Jayapala5. For the above mentioned ingredients Bhavana was done with Mandukaparni swarasa and Changeri swarasa for one day each, then making of vati of one ratti(125mg) size. It helps in curing the diseases like Udara, Kustha, Pandu, krimi and Gulma. Physical tests shows pH of 5. 5, Total ash value of 3%, Acid insoluble ash-0. 5%, Water-Soluble ash-1%, Loss on drying at 1050C was 3. 78%, Total Fungal Count and Total aerobic microbial count was Nil. Uniformity of weight of prepared vati was 77mg, Friability-0 Disintegration time -20min, Hardness of 2kg. SEM EDS result of Vaidhyanatha vati which shows presence of Hg and S. Particle size is–2671. 1nm, FTIR peaks shows Carboxylicacid, Alcohol, Aminesalt, Alkane Aromatic ester, Alkyl aryl ether, Methylene, Aromatic ring, Carbonate, Aliphatic fluoro compound, Alkyl substituted ether, Disulphides and Thiols. Though all the parameters done for the preparation of Vaidhyanatha vati shows that it is beneficial in treating the diseases like Udara, Pandu, Kustha, krimi and Gulma.
Vaidhyanatha vati1, Udara, Pandu, Kustha, krimi and Gulma, Ayurveda medicine
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