Home > Medicine > Nursing > Volume-8 > Issue-2 > A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding the Psychological Impact of Overindulgence in Mobile Phone among Adolescence of Selected College of Nursing in Lucknow

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding the Psychological Impact of Overindulgence in Mobile Phone among Adolescence of Selected College of Nursing in Lucknow

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A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding the Psychological Impact of Overindulgence in Mobile Phone among Adolescence of Selected College of Nursing in Lucknow

Rajesh Singh | Anshika Singh | Ashu Singh | Deepshikha Rawat | Himanshi Yadav | Manasvi Dev Verma | Shivani Verma

Rajesh Singh | Anshika Singh | Ashu Singh | Deepshikha Rawat | Himanshi Yadav | Manasvi Dev Verma | Shivani Verma "A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding the Psychological Impact of Overindulgence in Mobile Phone among Adolescence of Selected College of Nursing in Lucknow" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-8 | Issue-2, April 2024, pp.34-39, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd64557.pdf

Smartphones have become undoubtedly paramount part of adolescence life. It is a gadget which can facilitate management of daily life more efficiently. Despite its benefits the psychological impact induced by it on its users cannot be ignored. The excessive usage of smartphones is raising serious concerns among health and educational authorities due to its negative effect on adolescents.In this study a descriptive research design was used to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone among adolescence of selected college of nursing in lucknow with a view to develop an information booklet.Results revealed that in the total no of 50 subjects, majority of the subjects had average knowledge i.e. 60%, 38% had good knowledge and 2% had poor knowledge regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone. Majority of the subjects 38(76%) belonged to the age group of 18-20 years, followed by 10(20%) of the subjects belonging to the age group of 21-22 years and 2(4%) belonged to the age group of 23-24 years of age. In this study 10(20%) were males and 40(80%) were females. The mean of knowledge score is 6.98 with SD 1.56. The chi square test depicts only type of place being associated with knowledge score, whereas no other demographic variable shows any significant association with knowledge score. In attitude score majority of the subjects (58%) belonged to the attitude score of 22-42 had average attitude, 34% subjects belonged to the attitude score of 43-64 had good attitude and8% subjects belonged to the attitude score of (1-21) had poor attitude regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone.The results obtained concluded that the majority of adolescence had an average knowledge and attitude regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone. This study presents a significant association between the type of place and knowledge score of adolescents and a significant association between the age and gender and the attitude score of adolescents, whereas there has been no significant association being indicated between the other demographic variables in association with knowledge and attitude score. Therefore a deeper understanding of the psychological impact induced by overindulgence in mobile phone would be helpful for developing effective therapies and preventing programs according to the needs of adolescents.

knowledge, attitude, information booklet, psychological impact, overindulgence, adolescence

Volume-8 | Issue-2, April 2024
IJTSRD | www.ijtsrd.com | E-ISSN 2456-6470
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

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