The perceptions of the faculty members, school officials and students in terms of the implementation of the environmental education policies in the hinterlands of Northern Samar specifically in Silvino Lobos, Northern Samar were analyzed in this work. A positive response on waste reduction and management and a rejection on the use of plastics and individual bulk packaging of products from suppliers were manifested. Further perceived was the disliking of artesian well as the source of water; agreed on the composting biodegradables and the segregating waste in academic institutions and proper sealing of hazardous wastes before disposal. Eight (8) environment themes were integrated in the curriculum specifically in Music, Health and Physical Education, English, Social Studies, Filipino, and Mathematics, which run counter to the non-availability of a general policy on environment by the local government unit. Environmental policy must be reflected in the vision and mission of the local government unit, as the schools follow and implement certain operational standards that are environment-friendly, and integrate environmental education in most of the subjects.
environmental education, environmental policy, environmental education, waste management, environmental protection
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