The “smart workplace” is said to be a strategy to improve the working environment in a company or organization, to designate the new ways of organizing work, linked to the development of telecommuting and the hybrid office. The smart workplace concept is part of the more global notion of the “modern workplace.” This forms a dynamic and supportive environment that aims to make the most of human capital in a quickly evolving world of work, responding to a global trend towards increased mobility and flexibility. During the pandemic, this has been present but the trend is now accelerating and has even opened the way to new hybrid modes of work. In general, a smart workplace or intelligent workplace makes use of technology to connect and engage employees with their work environment, whatever it may be (on-site or remote work). In this case, workplaces are adapted to new ways of working by the use of technology and in particular digital tools. This paper presents the challenges, solutions, and benefits of smart workplace.
Smart workplace, mobility and flexibility, Internet of things (IoT), telecommuting, hybrid office, Workplace 3.0, artificial intelligence (AI), hot desking
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