A data-driven visualization tool called the College Analysis Dashboard was created to shed light on how higher education institutions are distributed throughout India. This study uses Power BI to construct an interactive dashboard that analyzes colleges, institutions, courses, and student intake capacity. The study entails gathering and preparing educational data from official sources, arranging it for the best possible visualization, and using verification techniques to ensure accuracy. In order to help stakeholders make well-informed decisions, the dashboard displays important information such course offers, intake trends, and the distribution of institutions by state and location. Regional discrepancies are highlighted by important studies that show states with higher education institutions do not always have the highest student intake. The findings show that the dashboard is successful in making complicated data easier to understand for students, institutions, and policymakers, which eventually helps with better resource allocation and academic planning.
Power BI, Data Visualization, Higher Education Analytics, University Distribution, College Intake, Course Enrollment, Educational Dashboard, Data Analysis.
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