Page 4 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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Tecnológico Nacional de México, through the Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta, presents its special edition:Tecnológico Nacional de México, through the Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta, presents its special edition:ecnológico Nacional de México, through the Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta, presents its special edition:
         2nd International Congress of Engineering, editorial effort with the International Journal of Trend in Scientific 2nd International Congress of Engineering, editorial effort with the International Journal of Trend in Scientific International Congress of Engineering, editorial effort with the International Journal of Trend in Scientific
         Research and Development (IJTSRD) from which it is detached this, the which presents the papers presented at Research and Development (IJTSRD) from which it is detached this, the which presents the papers presented at esearch and Development (IJTSRD) from which it is detached this, the which presents the papers presented at
         the 2nd International Congress of Engineering, which had as its motto: Engineering as the engine of innovation Engineering, which had as its motto: Engineering as the engine of innovation Engineering, which had as its motto: Engineering as the engine of innovation
         and was held from October 17 to 20, 2017 at the facilities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta.and was held from October 17 to 20, 2017 at the facilities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta.nd was held from October 17 to 20, 2017 at the facilities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta.

         The  objective  of  the  2nd  International  Congress  of  Engineering  is  to  consoThe  objective  of  the  2nd  International  Congress  of  Engineering  is  to  consolidate  itself  as  a  space  for lidate  itself  as  a  space  for
         disseminating the academic and scientific work of our students and professors, as well as colleagues from other disseminating the academic and scientific work of our students and professors, as well as colleagues from other sseminating the academic and scientific work of our students and professors, as well as colleagues from other

         At  present  it  is  necessary  to  reflect  and  share  what  happened  in the  field  of  research.  The  researchAt  present  it is necessary  to  reflect  and  share  what  happened in  the  field  of  research.  The  researcht  present  it  is  necessary  to  reflect  and  share  what  happened  in the  field  of  research.  The  research  in  this
         edition is a guide to promote strategies in an environment of global competitiveness, in the different fields of edition is a guide to promote strategies in an environment of global competitiveness, in the different fields of dition is a guide to promote strategies in an environment of global competitiveness, in the different fields of

         Hence  the  objective  of  presenting  this  special  edition,  which  will  deepen  the  scope  of  research  within  the Hence  the  objective  of  presenting  this  special  edition,  which  will  deepen  the  scope  of  research  within  the ence  the  objective  of  presenting  this  special  edition,  which  will  deepen  the  scope  of  research  within  the
         country from different themes and various areas of analysis.ferent themes and various areas of analysis.

         I In general terms, the papers presented show the projects and results of theoretical and empirical research.In general terms, the papers presented show the projects and results of theoretical and empirical research.n general terms, the papers presented show the projects and results of theoretical and empirical research.

           Before  concluding  with  this  message,  I  want  to  thank  the Before  concluding  with  this  message,  I  want  to  thank  the
           organizing  committee  that  greatly organizing  committee  that  greatly  facilitated  the  successful
           development of this event. I would  also like to express my deep development of this event.  I would  also like to express my deep
           appreciation to all the authors, speakers, workshops and assistants. appreciation to all the authors, speakers, workshops and assistants.
           Without its valuable presence could not have been carried out this Without its valuable presence could not have been carried out this
           2nd  International  Congress  of  Engineering.  Last  but  not  least,  I Engineering.  Last  but  not  least,  I
           want  to  thank  the  International  Journal  of  Trend  in  Scientific want  to  thank  the  International  Journal  of  Trend  in  Scientific
           Research  and  Development  (IJTSRD)  who  working  on  synergy Research  and  Development  (IJTSRD)  who  working  on  synergy
           could culminate in this extra special.


           M.Sc. Domingo Noé Marrón Ramos
           Director del Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa AltaInstituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta

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