Page 132 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
digital environments. By addressing the challenges of and shared whiteboards. In order to continuously improve
language barriers and accessibility in real-time collaboration the user experience, advanced analytics features will also be
tools, this research aligns with the increasing emphasis on incorporated to offer meeting insights, user engagement
inclusivity and diversity in modern workplaces. The metrics, and feedback gathering. Researching reliable
development of project will provide a valuable tool for authentication mechanisms and efficient end-to-end
enhancing communication in diverse teams, ultimately encryption techniques can help safeguard critical
supporting the shift toward more agile, collaborative, and discussions. Data privacy and security are other important
inclusive workplaces. factors to take into account. By using natural language
IV. PROPOSED RESEARCH MODEL processing to provide efficient summaries of conversations
and action items, computerized meeting summary could be
The design, deployment, and assessment of a real-time video
helpful. Additionally, team productivity and collaboration
conferencing platform with built-in multilingual capabilities
would be enhanced with the addition of virtual collaboration
are at the centre of the Real Connect research model. The
tools like task management systems, document sharing, and
increasing demand for smooth communication in online
whiteboards. Real-time speaker differentiation using AI-
meetings with multilingual participants is met by this
powered speaker recognition might be used to improve
platform. Real Connect seeks to promote diversity, increase
context understanding during meetings and help with
efficiency, and enhance meeting experiences by integrating
correct transcription. To improve the user experience in
real-time speech-to-text translation with live subtitles.
real-time communication, you could investigate a number of
The main goal of the project is to create a system that can study areas and solutions to solve high latency, delays, and
record user audio inputs during meetings, translate spoken capacity challenges in this project.
language into text, then translate that text in real time into
The network infrastructure is one of the main causes of
several target languages. After then, the translated text will
latency. Prioritizing vital traffic through research into quality
appear as subtitles that are synced with the speaker's voice
of service (QoS) protocols can help guarantee that real-time
to guarantee contextual accuracy and clarity. Because of the
communication—including phone, video, and live translation
model's emphasis on low latency, scalability, and user-
is given priority. By processing data closer to the user
friendliness, the platform can be used in a variety of
instead of depending on distant servers, edge computing can
worldwide use cases and sectors. The study aims to answer a
also lower latency, particularly for jobs involving real-time
number of important problems, including how to minimize
translation or transcription. Furthermore, by maximizing
subtitle delivery delays, preserve translation accuracy across
load balancing among servers, user requests can be
difficult languages, and how the incorporation of such
dispersed equally, avoiding server overload-related delays.
features affects user happiness. WebRTC for peer-to-peer
communication, AI-based voice recognition engines (like To handle high volumes of users, dynamic load balancing and
Whisper and Google voice-to-Text), and machine translation horizontal scaling can be employed to ensure resources are
services (like Azure Translator or bespoke neural translation utilized during peak usage periods. This would allow the
models) are some of the cutting-edge technologies that the system to scale up or down based on demand. Studying
system will use to accomplish these aims. microservices architecture helps to distribute workloads
across different services, thus making the system able to
Key performance measures such as subtitle latency, handle many concurrent users or requests. Packet loss
translation accuracy, and user feedback obtained from
caused by high-latency scenarios reduces the quality of
structured surveys will be the main focus of evaluation
communication. The study of FEC techniques and
metrics. To measure the tool's performance, both simulated
retransmission strategies can be effective in retrieving lost
datasets and real-world scenarios will be used during the
packets. Adaptive retransmission protocols using the actual
testing phase. Furthermore, issues including resource-
network conditions can ensure intelligent resending of data
intensive processing, network instability, and speech dialect
and minimize the nuisance of repeated transmissions.
variances will be examined and resolved. The goal of this
study is to create a system architecture that includes a
number of crucial elements. Real Connect will offer user-
friendly controls for screen sharing, chat, audio, and video at
the user interface level, guaranteeing a seamless experience
on all devices. The backend architecture will handle session
management, user authentication, real-time data sharing,
and scalability to handle high demand without sacrificing
The study model places a strong emphasis on using adaptive
streaming technologies and effective resource management
to maximize system performance under various network
conditions. The platform will combine signaling servers to
manage peer-to-peer connections and room management,
and it will use WebRTC for real-time communication. To
facilitate sophisticated functions like recording, transcoding,
and stream optimization for sizable gatherings or intricate
use cases, media servers may be implemented. The
platform's usability in professional and educational
environments will be improved by investigating
collaboration capabilities like breakout rooms, file sharing,
FIG.2:Architecture of video conferencing system
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 122