Page 139 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                            E-Health Solutions for Medical Emergencies:
                           A Framework for Accessibility and Efficiency

                                 Anjali Patalbansi , Pranav Rathod , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
                                             1,2 Department of Computer Science,
                      1,2 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                                           3 Department of Science and Technology,
                       3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           the patie-nts. By becoming a connection betwe-en doctors &
             The convergence of technology and healthcare has paved   healthcare  staff  and  patie-nts,  its  major  benefits  are
             the  way  for  transformative  solutions  addressing  both   acce-ssibility to medical services and quickne-ss during the
             emergency medical needs and daily health management.   entire  proce-ss  of  health  care.  This  project  re-flects  the
             However, traditional systems often struggle with delays,   customization and growth objective-s as it goes out of the
             inefficiencies, and a lack of personalized care. This paper   box in transforming conventional he-alth care scenarios.
             proposes  an  AI-powered  e-health  platform  designed  to
                                                                The focus of the- traditional health services is on manual
             cater to diverse health needs: real-time assistance during
                                                                diagnosis that has  be-en  quite ineffe-ctive in some cases.
             medical emergencies, guidance for maintaining fitness, and
                                                                Me-dication and health practice directions are- generalized
             daily health monitoring. The platform integrates machine
                                                                and hardly conce-ntrate on special nee-ds of patients. This
             learning (ML) with a Flask-based architecture, allowing for
                                                                new system is patie-nt-centric and has a scalability potential
             real-time symptom analysis, automated triage, and tailored
                                                                accordance with the- health conditions of the people-. The
             recommendations. It provides actionable insights such as
                                                                proposed platform provided in this work is re-alized based
             diet plans, medications, workout routines, and precautions.
                                                                on personalization conce-rns and is expected to re-sult in a
             This dual-purpose framework serves as a preventive tool
                                                                Healthcare revolution.
             for  fitness enthusiasts and  a  life-saving assistant during
             emergencies. Its accessibility and user-centric design make   II.   RELATED WORK:
             it  a  robust  solution  for  empowering  individuals  to  take   The growth of AI and machine learning has made a lot of
             control of their health, ensuring optimal well-being in every   innovative progress and that is what opened the corridors
             condition.                                         for inventive healthcare solutions as follows:

                                                                Emergency Response:
             KEYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence, Flask, Machine Learning,   AI driven Triage System is used for basic medical emergency
             Healthcare,  Personalized  Assistance,  Symptom  Analysis,   telemedicine  symptoms  related  to  emergency  problems
             Emergency Response                                 brought through high accuracy within the emergency triage
                                                                system. An example of this is that the Sultan's developed a
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                CNN-based framework to detect brain tumor in usefulness
             Accessibility to instant personalized healthcare is one of the   for high diagnostic .
             biggest hurdles in the- entire world, in this era. Hospitals
             are- always overcrowded, waiting hours are quite- long, the   But said system had  implications in so  far as field use is
                                                                concerned, in that such a system was field-limited and was
             instructions of health expe-rts are completely uncle-ar, and
             there  is  hardly  any  personal  manage-ment  of  well-being.   barred  from  benefiting  from  such  utility  by  individuals
                                                                outside the healthcare settings
             The- issue becomes more- obvious in barely created re-gions
             where  the  le-vel  of  services  provide-d  by  physicians  is   Health Daily Monitoring:
             extremely low. It is difficult for patie-nts to access reliable   A  wellness  app  for  health  generally  makes  use  of  some
             facilitie-s with utmost efficiency and accessibility. Howe-ver,   machine learning algorithms and recommends some diet and
             this current leve-l is set to rise with the re-cent use of AI   training  schedules.  These  apps  somehow  have  dedicated
             technologie-s,  as they not only assist in increasing policy   fitness aspects towards individuals that are called fitness
             efficacy but will re-volutionize the way health care- is being   lovers but they do not promise emergency relief. Definitely,
             undertaken in many place-s of the world.           most end up with fails from their output, claiming generic
                                                                activities of the individualized nature of the role that can fit
             The integration of Artificial Inte-lligence (AI) brings great
             hope-  of  advancing  these  areas.  AI  has  the-  capability  to   with any condition of their own.
             automate the routine proce-sses of health care and diagnosis   AI-Based Symptom Checkers:
             and make- them more effe-ctive, accurate time-conscious,   Systems like Ada and Buoy Health have been termed as an
             and fit individual ne-eds. This research work come-s along   innovative approach in the analysis of symptoms and offer
             with  a  new  AI-based  platform  that  provides  re-al-time   prompt medical suggestions. They actually work well; the
             symptom  analysis,  triage,  as  well  as  some-  health   only  consolations  are  that  their  activities  are  restricted
             recommendations.  This  syste-m  is  developed  using  Flask   chiefly to just a provision of primary diagnosis, as opposed to
             frame-work  for  the  front  end  and  machine  le-arning   full health guidance-
             algorithms for analysis, diagnosis, and prediction concerning

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