Page 199 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
management of vaccination campaigns. Its comprehensive 5. Real-Time Analytics and Decision Support for Public
model supports large-scale immunization efforts by Health Authorities
facilitating coordination among multiple stakeholders, Objective: Empower public health authorities with real-
including governments, healthcare providers, and the public. time data insights to make informed decisions during
With its innovative combination of features, such as data- vaccination campaigns.
driven decision-making and streamlined coordination, Proposed Solution: Build an analytics dashboard
VaxHub presents a promising approach that could within VaxHub that provides real-time data on
significantly enhance the effectiveness and reach of vaccination rates, demographic coverage, inventory
vaccination campaigns on a global scale.
levels, and regional disparities. This would allow
III. PROPOSED WORK authorities to monitor ongoing efforts, quickly identify
Building on the existing literature and current technological areas of low coverage, and adapt strategies as needed.
solutions for vaccination management, the proposed work
6. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
for "Leveraging Technology for Vaccination Management: A
Objective: Facilitate collaboration between various
Detailed Study of VaxHub’s Approach" aims to further refine
stakeholders, including healthcare providers,
and expand the capabilities of digital platforms like VaxHub
governments, NGOs, and the public, to improve vaccine
to address current gaps and challenges in vaccination efforts
management outcomes.
worldwide. This proposed work focuses on the following key
objectives: Proposed Solution: Develop a multi-stakeholder
collaboration feature within VaxHub that allows
1. Enhanced Data Integration and Interoperability
seamless communication, data sharing, and task
Objective: Strengthen the integration of VaxHub with
coordination among the various actors involved in
existing health information systems, such as Electronic
vaccination campaigns. This would help reduce
Health Records (EHRs) and National Immunization
inefficiencies and ensure coordinated efforts to reach
Information Systems (NIIS), to ensure seamless data
targeted populations.
exchange between healthcare providers and government
authorities. 7. Longitudinal Impact Assessment
Objective: Evaluate the long-term impact of VaxHub on
Proposed Solution: Develop an interoperable
framework that allows VaxHub to connect with multiple vaccination rates, equity, and healthcare outcomes.
databases, enabling real-time access to patient Proposed Solution: Conduct a longitudinal study to
vaccination records, inventory levels, and other critical assess how the implementation of VaxHub influences
data. This would reduce duplication, minimize errors, vaccination coverage, health outcomes, and disparities
and enhance the accuracy of vaccination tracking. across different regions. This would provide valuable
insights into the platform’s effectiveness and areas for
2. AI and Predictive Analytics for Resource future improvement.
Objective: Implement advanced machine learning In summary, the proposed work aims to enhance the current
algorithms and predictive analytics to optimize vaccine capabilities of VaxHub by integrating cutting-edge
supply chains and resource allocation. technologies such as AI, blockchain, and advanced analytics,
while also focusing on improving accessibility and
Proposed Solution: Leverage AI models to forecast
collaboration. These advancements will ensure that VaxHub
vaccine demand based on factors such as population
remains a powerful tool in managing large-scale vaccination
demographics, historical vaccination trends, and
efforts and contributes to more efficient, equitable, and
regional outbreaks. This would help anticipate transparent vaccination campaigns globally.
shortages, optimize delivery routes, and ensure timely
vaccine availability across different regions. In this phase, the running process to detect neural diseases
(Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, brain tumours, brain stroke, and
3. Improved User Experience and Accessibility
white matter disease) and their kinds, which are provided in
Objective: Increase accessibility and ease of use of
Fig. 1, is defined simply. The category of detected neural
VaxHub, especially for underserved populations in rural
sicknesses is a completely comprehensive study. The
or low-resource settings.
overview of the proposed framework for brain disorder class
Proposed Solution: Develop multilingual support and is proven in figure 1. As you can see seen from the
offline functionality for areas with limited internet framework, specific given datasets (training and testing) had
access. Additionally, integrate features such as push been used for disease detection and classification. Within the
notifications for vaccination reminders, educational first degree of the framework, photos were obtained and
resources, and FAQs to help individuals understand the rescaled at a certain length (128x128) as photo pre-
importance of vaccination and reduce vaccine hesitancy. processing strategies. At this degree, the pictures had been
subjected to normalisation, and the pixel values have been
4. Blockchain Technology for Secure Vaccine Tracking confined to a positive value range. After pre-processing and
Objective: Enhance the security and transparency of feature extraction on datasets, deep learning algorithms had
vaccine distribution through the integration of been used for photo classification.
blockchain technology.
Proposed Solution: Implement blockchain to create an
The proposed research model for studying VaxHub’s
immutable record of vaccine movement, storage
approach to vaccination management focuses on leveraging
conditions, and administration. This would ensure the
technology for efficiency, accessibility, and optimization. It
integrity of the vaccine supply chain, prevent fraud, and aims to analyze VaxHub’s impact on vaccination campaigns
provide transparent audit trails for regulatory purposes.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 189