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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        6.  Impact	on	Artists	and	the	Music	Industry	               Digital	Music	Services.	Journal	of	Consumer	Research,
        A	greater	percentage	of	streaming	revenue	is	distributed	to	  48(3),	598-612.	DOI:	10.1093/jcr/ucaa025
        the	artists	thanks	to	Seamless	Sounds'	innovative	revenue	  [2]   TechCrunch.	 (2022).	 Social	 Features	 in	 Music
        distribution	approach.	The	incomes	of	independent	artists	  Streaming:	 Building	 Communities	 Around	 Music.
        are	expected	to	increase	with	a	more	transparent	payout
        mechanism.	Additionally,	by	granting	artists	creative	control	  TechCrunch.	Retrieved	from
        over	their	music,	the	platform	gives	them	greater	freedom	to	  [3]   Wired.	(2021).	Navigating	Data	Privacy	Challenges	in
        try	 out	 various	 content	 formats,	 such	 as	 live-streamed	  Music	 Streaming	 Platforms.	 Wired.	 Retrieved	 from
        concerts	and	exclusive	releases.		                
        7.  Conclusion	                                        [4]   Forbes.	(2021).	The	Future	of	Music	Streaming:	AI,	5G,
        Seamless	 Sounds	 is	 redefining	 the	 music	 streaming	    and	Beyond.	Forbes.	Retrieved	from
        experience.	Through	innovative	features,	a	focus	on	artist
        support,	and	a	commitment	to	environmental	sustainability,	  [5]   Music	Business	Worldwide.	(2021).	The	Streaming
        it	 provides	 a	 platform	 that	 benefits	 both	 consumers	 and	  Economy:	 How	 Music	 Streaming	 Is	 Reshaping	 the
                                                                    Industry.	Music	Business	Worldwide.	Retrieved	from
        musicians.	 As	 the	 industry	 continues	 to	 evolve,	 Seamless
        Sounds	is	well-positioned	to	lead	the	way	in	delivering	a
        more	 integrated,	 personalized,	 and	 sustainable	 music	  [6]   MIT	Technology	Review.	(2021).	AI	in	Music:	How
        experience.		                                               Artificial	 Intelligence	 Is	 Shaping	 Streaming.	 MIT
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         [1]   Smith,	A.	&	Watson,	K.	(2021).	The	Role	of	Seamless
              Experiences	 in	 Consumer	 Retention:	 The	 Case	 of

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