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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        Ø  *Mobile	Device/Receiver*:	Indicated	with	a	user	or	icon	receiving	signals	from	multiple	beacons.

        Ø  *Real-Time	Server/Data	Processing*:	An	icon	showing	data	flow	to	a	backend	system	for	calculation.
        Ø  *User	Interface*:	A	map	or	navigation	system	shown	guiding	the	user.
        This	diagram	will	typically	show	how	signals	flow	from	the	beacons	to	mobile	devices,	how	the	system	calculates	the	location,
        and	how	the	user	receives	real-time	navigation	data.

        Challenges	in	Existing	Systems		                       environments	where	traditional	GPS	systems	fall	short.	By
        Despite	significant	advancements,	existing	proximity-based	  leveraging	Bluetooth	Low	Energy	(BLE)	beacons,	advanced
        navigation	systems	face	several	challenges,	including:		  algorithms,	and	real-time	processing,	BeaconTrack	redefines
        Ø  *Signal	 Interference*:	 Environmental	 factors	 such	 as	  the	 standards	 of	 indoor	 and	 proximity-based	 navigation
            walls,	furniture,	and	moving	objects	can	distort	beacon	  systems,	delivering	a	highly	accurate,	efficient,	and	scalable
            signals	(Li	et	al.,	2019).		                       solution.	The	system’s	modular	architecture	and	adaptability
                                                               to	 dynamic	 environmental	 factors	 make	 it	 a	 versatile
        Ø  *Accuracy	 Limitations*:	 Many	 systems	 struggle	 to	  platform	for	diverse	applications	across	healthcare,	retail,
            achieve	 sub-meter	 accuracy,	 particularly	 in	 dynamic	  transportation,	and	smart	cities.	BeaconTrack	achieves	sub-
                                                               meter	 accuracy	 by	 mitigating	 challenges	 such	 as	 signal
        Ø  *Energy	Consumption*:	While	BLE	is	energy-efficient,	  interference,	 non-line-of-sight	 conditions,	 and	 beacon
            prolonged	use	in	real-time	applications	can	drain	device	  density	 variability,	 thanks	 to	 the	 integration	 of	 machine
            batteries.		                                       learning	 techniques.	 Through	 realworld	 testing	 and
                                                               experimentation,	it	has	demonstrated	its	robustness,	low
        Ø  *Scalability*:	 Scaling	 beacon	 networks	 to	 large	 and	  energy	consumption,	and	ease	of	deployment,	addressing
            densely	populated	areas	can	be	complex	and	costly.
                                                               many	limitations	faced	by	existing	navigation	systems.
        These	 limitations	 form	 the	 basis	 for	 the	 development	 of	  The	research	highlights	the	following	key	contributions:
        BeaconTrack,	 which	 aims	 to	 address	 these	 challenges	  1.  *Enhanced	Accuracy	and	Adaptability*:	By	combining
        through	the	integration	of	advanced	algorithms,	real-time	  BLE	 beacons	 with	 machine	 learning,	 BeaconTrack
        processing,	and	modular	architecture.
                                                                  overcomes	signal	distortion	and	interference,	ensuring
        Conclusion		                                              reliable	 and	 precise	 navigation	 even	 in	 complex
        The	review	of	literature	underscores	the	potential	of	BLE	  environments.
        beacons	 as	 a	 foundation	 for	 proximity-based	 navigation	  2.  *Energy-Efficient	Design*:	The	use	of	BLE	technology
        systems	 while	 highlighting	 the	 need	 for	 solutions	 that	  ensures	low	energy	consumption	for	both	beacons	and
        address	current	limitations.	By	leveraging	advancements	in	  user	devices,	making	the	system	suitable	for	long-term
        BLE	 technology,	 machine	 learning,	 and	 system	 design,	  deployment.
        BeaconTrack	builds	on	these	findings	to	deliver	a	robust	and
        scalable	navigation	platform.	The	subsequent	sections	will	  3.  *Scalability	and	Versatility*:	The	modular	framework
        elaborate	on	the	technical	implementation	and	experimental	  allows	 for	 seamless	 scalability,	 enabling	 deployment
        evaluation	of	the	proposed	system.	Beacon	Track:	Advancing	  across	a	variety	of	settings,	from	single-floor	buildings	to
        Proximity-Based	 Navigation	 with	 RealTime	 Beacon	      expansive	multi-story	complexes.
        Technology"	represents	a	transformative	step	forward	in
        addressing	 the	 challenges	 of	 precise	 navigation	 in

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	332
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