Page 450 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 450
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
[6] [13] [Advancements in 4K Cinema Technology LetsFame]
0/ NestedCinemaAnImmersiveFictionFilmExperience (
[7] cinematechnology) Discusses how 4K technology
hastransformed cinema through improved image
[8] clarity and color depth.
[9] [Discover the ICE experience | ICE Theaters] [14] [Behind the Silver Screen: FAQs of Cinema Owners]
( (
An overview of the ICE immersive technology qsofcinemaowners/) Provides insights into silver
thatenhances the moviewatching experience screen technology and its benefits for cinema owners,
throughadvanced visual and audio systems. especially for 3D films.
[10] [The Incorporation Of New Technology Into The [15] [Immersive technologies at the cinema Fulldome Pro]
Cinema Experience] (
( dcinemafromtraditionalmoviestosharedsocialactivity
porationnewtechnologycinemaexperien ce) Discusses /) Examines how immersive technologies like dome
various technologies like 4DX and Screen X that theaters create unique cinematic experiences.
enhance viewer immersion in cinema.
[16] [Behind the Silver Screen || cinema tech fact YouTube]
[11] [Galalite's Revolutionary Silver Screen Elevates the (
Cinematic Experience at the Recently Reopened IMAX A video exploring the technology that enhances movie
Wadala by Miraj Cinemas] experiences, including projectors and sound systems.
( [17] [The Future of Cinema: How Technology Is Changing
arysilverscreenelevatesthecinematicexperienceatther Film](
ecentlyreopenedimaxwadalabymirajcinemas/) fcinemahowtechnologyischangingfilm/) An article
Highlights advancements in silver screen technology
discussing various technological advancements
and its impact on cinematic quality.
shaping the future of cinema, including immersive
[12] [Virtual reality and the silver screen: A match made in experiences.
heaven CNET] [18] [How IMAX is Changing the Game for Moviegoers]
( (
tyandthesilverscreenamatchmadeinheaven/)Explores egameformoviegoers) Insights into IMAX technology
how VR technology is being integrated into movie and its role in creating immersive viewing
experiences, enhancing viewer engagement.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 440