Page 10 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
While VC funding of startups in Brazil, Russia, and several markets, there are substantial opportunities for Internet-
other emerging economies also rose during this period, the driven growth and productivity in other sectors as well. The
increase in investments outside of China and India was transformative potential of the Internet in Africa is
significantly more moderate. Chinese and Indian particularly large in education, health, agriculture,
entrepreneurial firms absorbed around 95% of all VC government, and retail (McKinsey, 2013). Although retail
investments in emerging markets in 2014–16. As a result, may attract the greatest interest from venture capitalists,
their economies are substantially more deeply penetrated other sectors may also benefit from an emerging VC industry
than their peers at a similar stage in their development in Africa.
process. In fact, Finland, Singapore, the United States, and
Israel, which are classified by the Global Competitiveness Below in figure 1 one can observe upward trend in the
Report (GCR) as innovation-driven economies, are the only number of deals on investments in emerging methods of
countries that are similarly deeply or even more deeply finance. In 2018, the total investments amounted 111 billion
penetrated than China and India. dollars, which is a great breakthrough relative to previous
years. As the world economy is on the way of digitalization,
The literature suggests a variety of factors that may help the number of venture capitalists, angel investors will
explain cross-country differences in VC investing. Lerner et probably rise in future because of increasing market demand
al. (2009) tested these hypotheses in a large cross section of for capital.
countries. Their results were consistent with the arguments
of Black and Gilson (1998) and the findings of Jeng and Wells References
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investments are important, as they provide an exit route for (2007) A new framework for service supply chains.
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important for VC (as well as growth equity) deals. This value capture, value creation and sustainable
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Rethinking Your Business to Growand Compete in a
Finally, VC has gained traction in Africa, as mobile and New Era. Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Internet penetration has increased. In Nigeria, the most
populous African country, 77% of the population uses a [5] OECD High-Level Principles on SME Financing,
mobile phone, while 43% have access to the Internet (ITC; G20-OECD-High-
data refer to 2015). In Kenya, penetration rates are similar, Level-%20Principles-on-SME-Financing.pdf.
while South Africans and Egyptians have on average more [6] The Pulse of Fintech Q4 2017. Global analyses of
than one mobile phone per person. Not surprisingly, e- investment in fintech. P.5
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investment opportunities. A good example is Jumia, a Cairo- [7] Casanova L., Cornelius P.K., Dutta S. –“Financing
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should be replaced by ‘m-commerce’ in Africa, as so much of number of candidates who qualified in JEE advanced
local e-commerce comes from activity on mobile devices. In 6,360 more than last year. The Economic Times, 20
fact, African countries are leading the world in the June. Available at
development and use of mobile money. Probably the most
significant innovation has been M-Pesa, a mobile phone-
based money transfer and financing service that was 06-20/news/50739176_1_1-26-lakh-students-
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has expanded to several other African countries, as well as Participation. Available at
Emerging Asia and Emerging Europe. Today, there are tens
of millions of users who are able to transfer money to other
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interest, and borrow, all from a basic mobile phone. While M- [11] Levine, R., 2005. Finance and Growth: Theory and
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of Economic Growth. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam,
pp. 866–934.
Governance and Capital Flows in a Global Economy. Oxford
University Press, New York, pp. 133–156.
ID: IJTSRD35768 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 5