Page 145 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 145
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
ECG trackers give magnitude of hours to enable constant include: Data Cleaning: Removal of missing or redundant
monitoring and triggering alerts for when emergency arises values. Normalization: Scaling data to uniform ranges to
and tracking of expected goals related to fitness. They have improve model performance. Feature Selection: Identifying
also substantiated their efficacy in the prevention of later relevant features (e.g., heart rate trends, exercise patterns)
complications such as arrhythmia, hypoglycaemia, and that impact health outcomes. Image Smoothing (for Imaging
hypertension in preventive care or emergency response. Data): Techniques such as Gaussian smoothing are applied to
Although problems in scaling such technologies have been medical images to reduce noise and highlight critical regions.
pointed out, existing literature suggests limited internet Proposed Research Model Input Phase Data Acquisition:
robust infrastructures in remote areas, an altitude that Real-time collection of vital signs, fitness data, dietary habits,
restricts the effective telemedicine-IoT systems. Another and precautionary guidelines. Input Devices: Wearables,
remaining challenge involves the plight of data integrity, imaging systems, and mobile applications. Processing Phase
where information about patients must be communicated in Data Integration: Combining diverse datasets into a unified
encrypted form and housed correspondingly with secure system. AI and ML Models: Implementing algorithms for
systems. Standardized protocols across various platforms anomaly detection, fitness recommendations, and emergency
contradict data integration, limiting AI-based systems' triage. Decision Support: AI-driven recommendations for
effectiveness. Emerging technologies such as block chains both daily health and emergency management. Output Phase
provide solutions to some of these existing challenges, Health Insights: Daily fitness reports, dietary adjustments,
although problems in scaling such technologies have been and precautionary tips. Alerts and Notifications: Immediate
pointed out, associated literature articulates limited wireless alerts for emergencies sent to healthcare providers and
network infrastructures in rural areas as an impediment to caregivers. Emergency Coordination: Connecting patients
telemedicine and IoT effectiveness. Another remaining with nearby facilities and resources. Phase Components
challenge involves data integrity, where patient information Outcome Input Phase Wearables, apps Real-time data
must be transmitted in encrypted form and kept in secure acquisition Processing Phase AI models, data fusion Accurate
electronic systems. The nonexistence of one standardized health insights and emergency responses Output Phase
protocol in all these platforms hinders the integration of data Alerts, reports Improved fitness and emergency outcomes
between them, thus lessening the efficiency of the developed
AI technologies.
III. Proposed Work: IV. Performance Evaluation:
Data Collection The data collection process is central to Performance metrics are of utmost importance for
building an efficient system for both daily health estimating the efficiency of the system both in the fitness and
management and emergency care. Data sources include: emergency scenarios. Performance metrics include accuracy,
Emergency Call Logs: Data from helpline services provide response time, and user satisfaction, which ensure a holistic
insights into trends and immediate needs. Data Type Source approach toward the health care system.
Frequency Vital signs (heart rate, BP) Wearable devices Real-
Table 1: Dataset Distribution
time Medical history EHRs on demand Emergency logs Call
Number of
centres on event Dietary and workout plans Health apps and Category Percentage
records Periodic updates Precautionary measures public
Cardiovascular Conditions 2,000 40%
health guidelines Periodic updates
Neurological Emergencies 1500 30%
Medication records EHRs and patient inputs on event Data Respiratory Issues 1000 20%
Preprocessing and Image Smoothing To ensure high-quality Others 500 10%
data for analysis, preprocessing is essential. Key steps Total 5000 100%
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 135