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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                          Advancement in Chronic Disease Management:
                      Innovative Approaches and Emerging Technologies

                              Subodh Tembhare , Sejal Shirbhaiyye , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                          1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
                      1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           allow  for  remote  consultations  and  care,  or  the  use  of
             Chronic  diseases,  including  diabetes,  hypertension,   artificial intelligence and machine  learning to predict the
             cardiovascular  diseases,  and  respiratory  illnesses,  have   progression  of  chronic  diseases  or  assist  doctors  in
             become  significant  public  health  challenges  worldwide,   diagnosing and prescribing treatments. These technologies
             impacting  millions  of  individuals  across  diverse   not only aim to enhance the quality of life for patients but also
             demographics.  The  management  of  these  conditions   to make the management of chronic conditions more efficient
             typically requires long-term care, monitoring, and lifestyle   and accessible, particularly in underserved  areas.
             adjustments. Recent advancements in medical technologies,   II.   REALTED WORK
             data  analytics,  and  personalized  healthcare  have  the   1.  Ali and his colleagues aim at predicting heart disease
             potential  to  revolutionize  chronic  disease  management.   early  and  accurately.  Relying  on  ML  through  digital
             This research paper explores innovative approaches and   patient  record  assessment,  they  apply  various
             emerging  technologies  that  are  shaping  the  future  of   supervised choices and their feature importance. The
             chronic  disease  management.  The  paper  examines   random forest (RF) algorithm gathers excellent results,
             technological   innovations   like   wearable   devices,   including perfect accuracy, holding great promise as a
             telemedicine,  artificial  intelligence,  and  personalized   diagnostic tool that helps to increase diagnostic accuracy
             medicine that are transforming patient care. Furthermore,   and efficiency in limited-resource healthcare settings. To
             it outlines the impact of these technologies on outcomes,   predict which heart disease patients require emergency
             challenges in their integration, and the future of chronic   care, the authors of.
             disease management.

                                                                2.  Proposed a novel stacking ensemble learner model that
             KEYWORDS:  Chronic  diseases,  healthcare  technology,   leverages  a  unique  approach  with  behavior-based
             telemedicine,  wearable  devices,  artificial  intelligence,   features  and  a  private  MIT  dataset,  out-  performing
             personalized medicine, health outcomes, disease management,   existing  methods  with  88%  accuracy  in  predicting
             patient monitoring, emerging technologies             emergency readmission. This holds promise for early
                                                                   inter- vention and improved clinical outcomes. One of
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                   the recent research models that applied ML for heart
             "Advancement  in  Chronic  Disease  Management:       attack prediction is presented by El-Hasnony et al.
             Innovative  Approaches  and  Emerging  Technologies”   3.  Explore using AI on data collected through IoT sensors.
             refers  to  a  research  study  that  investigates  the  evolving   They  aim  to  address  issues  like  data  bias  and  low
             methods and technologies used to manage chronic diseases,   accuracy,  ultimately  seeking  a  more  accurate  and
             with  an  emphasis  on  the  latest  innovations  aimed  at   effective AI-powered prediction system for this critical
             improving  patient  outcomes.  Chronic  diseases  such  as   medical chal- lenge. Furthermore, Singh et al.
             diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and arthritis are
             long-term conditions that require continuous monitoring and   4.  Examined  prediction  systems  for  heart  disease
             management,  often  involving  complex  treatment  plans,   employing a greater number of input attributes. These
             lifestyle changes, and regular doctor visits.         systems  use  medical  terminology  like  gender,  blood
                                                                   pressure,  and  cholesterol,  like  13  attributes.  They
             The project would explore how recent advancements, both in
                                                                   suggested  an  effective  genetic  algorithm  using  the
             medical  practices  and  technology,  are  being  applied  to
                                                                   backpropagation  method  to  predict  cardiac  disease.
             improve  the  management  of  these  diseases.  This  could
                                                                   Abbas et al.
             include  examining  the  development  of  new  healthcare
             models that focus on personalized care, where treatments are   Our research paper has explored various aspects of chronic
             tailored to  individual patients based on their specific health   disease management, including:-
             data  and  needs.  The  project  may  also  look  into  novel
                                                                  Telehealth  and  Remote  Monitoring:  Studies  have
             approaches  in  prevention,  early  detection,  and  remote   investigated the effectiveness of telehealth platforms,
             monitoring,  helping  to  catch  complications  before  they   wearable  devices,  and  remote  patient  monitoring
             worsen and potentially  reducing the need for frequent in-  systems  in  improving  adherence  to  treatment  plans,
             person medical visits.                                detecting early complications, and enhancing patient-
             Emerging technologies would be a significant aspect of this   provider communication.
             research.  The  project  could  cover  innovations  such  as
                                                                  Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):
             wearable health devices that monitor vital signs  (e.g., heart
                                                                   Research  has  focused  on  AI/ML  applications  for
             rate, glucose levels) in real time, telemedicine platforms that

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