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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                               Advancing Horizons in Chronic Diseases:
                                       Research Innovation Insights

                               Vaishnavi Watkar , Shivani Ayyagari , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                          1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
                      1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           illnesses.  This  could  be  achieved  by  using  a  cutting-edge
             Technological  development,  including  machine  learning,   machine  learning  technique  to  ensure  that  this
             has a huge impact on health through an effective analysis of   categorization  reliably  identifies  persons  with  chronic
             various chronic diseases for more accurate diagnosis and   diseases. The prediction of diseases is also a challenging task.
             successful  treatment.  In  the  field  of  biomedical  and   Hence, data mining plays a critical role in disease prediction.
             healthcare communities the accurate prediction plays the   With ML models, it can also be possible to improve quality of
             major role to find out the risk of the disease in the patient.   medical data, reduce variation in patient rates, and save in
             The only way to overcome with the mortality due to chronic   medical costs.
             diseases  is  to  predict  it  earlier  so  that  the  disease
             prevention can be done. Such model is a Patient’s need in   Machine  learning  examine  the  study  and  construction  of
             which Machine Learning is highly recommendable. But the   algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data.
             precise prediction on the basis of symptoms becomes too   It  is  closely  related  to  (and  often  overlaps  with)
             difficult for doctor. The correct prediction of disease is the   computational statistics, which also focuses on prediction-
             most  stretching  task.  To  overcome  this  problem  data   making through the use of computers.
             mining plays an important role to predict the disease. We
             use  Heart  disease,  Kidney  disease,  Cancer  disease  and   The  preprocessing  handling  we  discuss  includes  missing
             Diabetes  disease  datasets,  In  order  to  build  reliable   values,  outliers,  feature  selection,  normalization,  and
             prediction  models  for  these  chronic  diseases  using  data   imbalance.  The  final  discussions  of  this  paper  are  open
             mining techniques. The most relevant features are selected   issues,  and  the  potential  future  works  in  improving  the
             from  the  dataset  for  improved  accuracy  and  reduced   prediction performance for chronic diseases using a data
             training time. The system analyzes the symptoms provided   preprocessing handling and machine learning methods.
             by the user as input and gives the probability of the disease   Our  project  mainly  focusses  on  the  following  mentioned
             as an output Disease by using, random forest and decision   outcomes:-
             tree we are predicting diseases like Diabetes, Heart, Cancer   1.  Early Detection of Chronic Diseases
             and  Kidney.  For  each  chronic  disease,  diverse  models,   2.  Personalized Treatment Plans
             techniques,  and  algorithms  are  used  for  predicting  and   3.  Enhanced Medical Data Quality
             analyzing. The common prediction objective is to minimize   4.  Smarter Health Decision-Making
             the  prediction  error  as  low  as  possible.  The  final   5.  Customizing Health Plans for Individuals
             discussions  of  this  paper  are  works  in  improving  the
             prediction performance for chronic diseases using a data   By using machine learning and deep learning algorithms this
                                                                particular research paper manages to ensure chronic disease
             preprocessing handling.
                                                                management  in  order  to  improve  predictions  and  also

                                                                advancing overall healthcare efficiency, ultimately benefiting
             KEYWORDS: Chronic Diseases, Machine Learning, Diseases   both patients and healthcare systems.
             Prediction, Accuracy, Prediction performance
                                                                II.    RELATED WORK
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                This section describes the related works that are performed
             “Advancing  Horizons  in  Chronic  Diseases:  Research   in  developing  the  proposed  model  for  predicting  chronic
             Innovation Insights “refers to discovering new opportunities   diseases.  The  following  are  the  discussions  made  by
             and  solutions  for  managing  long-term  illnesses  such  as   reviewing  the  existing  literature  that  helps  develop  the
             diabetes,  heart  disease,  and  cancer.  It  emphasizes  how   proposed system efficiently and effectively.
             advanced research methods and modern technologies, like AI   Different machine-learning techniques have been used for
             and data analysis, are transforming how these diseases are   effective  classification  of  chronic  kidney  disease  from
             diagnosed, treated, and prevented. The focus is on exploring   patients’ data which are described as follows:-
             the latest developments and sharing knowledge to improve
             healthcare  outcomes.  Nowadays,  humans  face  various   Charleonnan  et  al.  [8]  did  comparison  of  the  predictive
             diseases due to the  current environmental condition and   models such as K-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector
             their living habits.                               machine (SVM), logistic regression (LR), and decision tree
                                                                (DT) on Indians Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) dataset in
             The identification and prediction of such diseases at their   order to select best classifier for predicting chronic kidney
             earlier  stages  are  much  important,  so  as  to  prevent  the   disease.  Tey  have  identified  that  SVM  has  the  highest
             extremity of it. It is difficult for doctors to manually identify   classification accuracy of 98.3% and highest sensitivity of
             the diseases accurately most of the time. The goal of is to   0.99
             identify and predict the patients with more common chronic

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