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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
· Resource Usage: The model required reasonable [5] Fati Oiza Ochepa1, John Patrick2, Malik Adeiza Rufai3
resources, making it efficient and practical. and Adamu Isah4 “A Deep Learning Based Multiple
Chronic Disease Detection Model” NOV 2022 | IRE
· Scalability: It handled larger datasets well, maintaining
Journals | Volume 6 Issue 5 | ISSN: 2456-8880
good performance as data increased.
[6] Mohammad Rashedul Islam, Azrin Sultana, Rakibul
Key Insights : Islam “A comprehensive review for chronic disease
· Results were visualized using graphs like ROC curves
prediction using machine learning algorithms” Journal
and confusion matrices.
of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
· The system proved effective and scalable, offering volume 11,16 July 2024
reliable predictions for chronic diseases. [7] Al Khan “Machine Learning for Chronic Disease
VII. CONCLUSION Prediction”. August 05, 2022, CEOS Public. Health. Res.
Machine learning has made healthcare better by making it 1(1):101
easier and more reliable to diagnose serious diseases like [8] Dibaba Adeba Debal and Tilahun Melak Sitote
heart, kidney, cancer, and diabetes. Our study achieved about
“Chronic kidney disease prediction using machine
90% accuracy in predicting these diseases and provides
learning techniques” Debal and Sitote Journal of Big
reports showing the chances of having a disease. This shows
Data (2022) 9:109
that our approach is effective and useful. The proposed
model also generates detailed reports highlighting the
likelihood of disease occurrence, showcasing the reliability [9] Sun Min Oh,1,2 Katherine M. Stefani,3 and Hyeon
and effectiveness of this approach. Chang Kim1, “Development and Application of
Chronic Disease Risk Prediction Models” Jun 13, 2014.
This research paper aims to create a robust and efficient
model for predicting chronic diseases using a combination of
machine learning and deep learning techniques. By [10] Kawsher Rahman1*, Prasanna Pasam2, Srinivas
leveraging both text and image data, the model will provide Addimulam3 and Vineel Mouli Natakam4 “Leveraging
comprehensive insights into patient health, facilitating early AI for Chronic Disease Management: A New Horizon
intervention and improved outcomes. in Medical Research” Volume 9, No 2/2022 Review
Article Malays. j. med. biol. res.
In the future, researchers can try different types of machine [11] Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022), “An
learning methods, like supervised and unsupervised Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning
techniques, to see which ones work best for predicting Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1 International
diseases. This particular research paper can help find models Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
that are even more accurate and reliable. Additionally, using Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10 & 11 June 2022, 2456-
larger datasets that include more variety—such as data from 3463, Volume 7, PP. 25-30,
people of different ages, regions, and health conditions—can
make the model work better for all kinds of patients. By also [12] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
focusing on new ways to measure the model’s performance, “Revealing and Classification of Deepfakes Videos
like checking how well it works in real-life situations, Images using a Customize Convolution Neural
predictions can become more trustworthy and useful for
Network Model”, International Conference on Machine
doctors and patients. th th
Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE), 7 & 8
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