Page 159 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
               Remove any irrelevant or duplicate entries.       The model is trained to minimize the cross-entropy loss
                                                                   between the predicted probabilities and the true labels.
             2.  Feature Engineering:
               Extract relevant information from raw data.     F.  Performance Evaluation
                                                                  Accuracy:  Measures  the  percentage  of  correct
               Create  new  features  that  will  improve  model   predictions.
                                                                  Class-Wise Performance: Assesses precision, recall, and
             3.  Normalization or Scaling:
                                                                   F1-score for each disease.
               Ensure all features have comparable ranges, improving
                convergence of machine learning algorithms.       Confidence  Scores:  Analyzes  the  reliability  of  model
                                                                  Comparative  Analysis:  Compares  the  hybrid  model's
                                                                   performance to single-modal ML or DL systems.
                                                                  Scalability  and  Resource  Efficiency:  Evaluates  the
                                                                   computational efficiency and adaptability of the model
                                                                   to diverse datasets.
                                                                G.  Result Analysis
                                                                1.  Metrics Analysis
                                                                A.  Prediction  Accuracy:  Achieved  high  overall  accuracy,
                                                                   demonstrating reliable performance.
                                                                B.  Confidence Scores:
                                                                     Provided  consistent  confidence  levels,  indicating
                                                                       robust predictions.
                                                                C.  Probability Distribution:
                                                                     Balanced  predicted  probabilities  across  diseases,
                                                                       reducing bias.
                                                                D.  Per-Class Metrics:
                                                                     Precision, recall, and F1-scores highlighted strong
                                                                       performance, visualized using a confusion matrix.
                                                                2.  Comparative Analysis
                                                                A.  Better Than Single-Modality Systems:
                                                                     Improved accuracy and diagnosis precision.
                                                                B.  Resource Usage:
                                                                     Required reasonable resources, making it efficient
                                                                       and practical.
                       Fig: Data PRE-Processing Steps
                                                                C.  Scalability:
             C.  Data Splitting
                                                                     Handled  larger  datasets  well,  maintaining  good
             1.  Training Set:
                                                                       performance as data increased.
               Used to train the machine learning model.
                                                                3.  Key Insights
               The model learns patterns and relationships from this
                                                                A.  Visualization: Results visualized using graphs like ROC
                                                                   curves and confusion matrices.
             2.  Testing Set:                                   B.  Effectiveness  and  Scalability:  Proved  effective  and
               Used to evaluate the model's performance on unseen   scalable,  offering  reliable  predictions  for  chronic
               Assesses how well the model generalizes to new cases.
                                                                H.  Conclusion and Future Work
             D.  Model Building                                 A.  Objective: Summarize the findings and outline  future
             1.  Data Preprocessing:                               research directions.
               Text: TF-IDF vectorization
                                                                B.  Future Research:
               Image: ResNet-18 feature extraction
                                                                  Explore real-time implementations.
             2.  Feature Engineering: - Combine text and image features
                                                                  Integrate additional data modalities.
             3.  Model Architecture: - Hybrid neural network (PyTorch)
                                                                  Validate the approach in clinical environments.
             E.  Model Training:
               The  model  is  trained  using  a  variant  of  stochastic   The  process  involves  collecting  raw  patient  data  from
                gradient  descent  (SGD)  or  another  optimization   various  sources,  including  medical  records,  imaging,  and
                algorithm.                                      clinical  notes,  followed  by  data  pre-processing  to  clean,
                                                                normalize,  and  engineer  features  for  improved  model
               The model is trained on the combined feature matrix   performance. The data is split into training and testing sets,
                and the corresponding labels.
                                                                with the training set used to teach a hybrid neural network

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