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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                 Regulating the Exchange of Unused Medicines: The Role of
                    Pharma Exchange in Improving Medicine Accessibility

                              Dnyanda Waghmare , Akash Kanojiya , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                        1,2 BCA, Department of Science and Technology,
                                           3 Department of Science and Technology,
                      1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           professionals, and legislators in order to establish uniform
             Waste reduction, cost reduction, and improved access to   frameworks.

             healthcare  worldwide  may  all  be  achieved  by  the
             redistribution  of  unneeded  medications.  This  study   INTRODUCTION
             investigates the function of Pharma Exchange, a fictitious   Millions of dollars' worth of prescription drugs are wasted
             website intended to make it easier for people to safely and   every year, contributing to environmental damage and lost
             responsibly trade their unneeded medications. In order to   chances  to  increase  access  to  healthcare.  Unused
             determine how such a platform could overcome obstacles   medications represent a serious global problem. While low-
             to pharmaceutical redistribution while maintaining safety   income areas experience severe pharmaceutical shortages,
             and efficacy, the article examines regulatory frameworks,   high-income locations frequently have excess medications
             ethical  issues,  and  logistical  difficulties.  The  results   due to factors including prescription revisions, misdiagnoses,
             emphasize  the  substantial  economic  and  public  health   or  gains  in  health.  Redistributing  unneeded  medications
             advantages of establishing Pharma Exchange, underscoring   provides a long-term way to close these gaps, particularly
             the necessity of creative policies to enable the sustainable   when  it  comes  to  treating  rare  and  chronic  illnesses.
             and  profitable  exchange  of  unused  medications  on  a
                                                                However,  complicated  legal  frameworks,  worries  about
             worldwide bass
                                                                authenticity and safety, and logistical difficulties impede this
             Redistributing unwanted drugs could help with the world's   process. The conceptual platform Pharma Exchange, which
             most  pressing  problems  with  economic  inefficiencies,   was created to enable the safe and controlled exchange of
             environmental sustainability, and healthcare accessibility.   unused medications, is examined in this study.
             Prescription drug waste amounts to millions of dollars per   Reducing  medical  waste  and  increasing  healthcare
             year as a result of misdiagnosis, prescription adjustments,   accessibility are  two  major  worldwide issues that can  be
             or improvements in health. Global health disparities are   addressed through the exchange of unwanted medications.
             exacerbated by the significant pharmaceutical shortages   Millions  of  prescriptions  go  unused,  especially  in  high-
             that low-income areas face at the same time. To close these   income  areas,  as  a  result  of  prescription  revisions,
             disparities,  the  suggested  platform,  Pharma  Exchange,   misdiagnoses,  or  improvements  in  health.  Public  health
             seeks to offer a regulated, open, and moral system for the   inequities are exacerbated by the acute lack of medications
             redistribution of unneeded medications.
                                                                in underserved and lowincome communities.
             This study explores the logistical, ethical, and regulatory   In  order  to  close  these  gaps,  redistributing  unneeded
             obstacles related to pharmaceutical redistribution in order   medications  could  be  extremely  helpful,  especially  for
             to determine the viability and benefits of putting such a   individuals with rare or chronic conditions whose treatment
             platform  into  place.  Using  a  mixed-method  research   is  expensive.  Implementing  such  a  program,  however,
             technique, the study incorporates qualitative information   presents  difficulties,  such  as  guaranteeing  the  safety  and
             from global regulatory.
                                                                authenticity of medications and adhering to intricate legal
             Among  the  main  issues  noted  are  the  absence  of   and ethical requirements.
             standardized  international  rules,  which  frequently  label
                                                                The necessity for a sustainable redistribution mechanism is
             unneeded pharmaceuticals as waste, and the requirement
                                                                further  highlighted  by  environmental  issues,  such  as
             to guarantee the security and legitimacy of medications that
                                                                pollution brought on by the inappropriate disposal of excess
             are redistributed. The study emphasizes  how important
             cutting-edge  technologies  like  blockchain  and  artificial
             intelligence are to overcome these obstacles because they   The  conceptual  platform  Pharma  Exchange,  which  was
             offer transparent supply chain monitoring that is safe.   created to enable the safe and controlled exchange of unused
                                                                medications, is examined in this study. It addresses obstacles
             Along  with  a  roughly  30%  decrease  in  pharmaceutical
                                                                pertaining to logistics, regulations, and ethical issues while
             waste, the platform might lower treatment costs by up to
                                                                highlighting the possible advantages, such as cost savings,
             20% and improve accessibility for 40% of disadvantaged
                                                                better  health  results,  and  alignment  with  global
             populations. Adoption of Pharma Exchange also helps to
                                                                sustainability  goals.  Through  the  use  of  cutting-edge
             reduce pollution from inappropriate drug disposal, which is
                                                                technologies  and  the  promotion  of  cooperation  between
             in line with global sustainability goals.
                                                                legislators, healthcare professionals, and regulatory agencies,
             The report concludes by highlighting the necessity of global   Pharma  Exchange  provides  a  framework  for  the
             cooperation  between  technology  developers,  healthcare
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