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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             access  to  healthcare  while  taking  environmental   innovative and relevant approach to pressing global health
             sustainability into consideration. Since it promotes trust in   issues because of its emphasis on sustainability, innovation,
             the  redistribution  process,  the  focus  on  cutting-edge   and transparency.
             technology  like  blockchain  to  guarantee  safety  and
                                                                Finally, Pharma Exchange is a revolutionary way to manage
             authenticity is praiseworthy. Nonetheless, the document's   excess medications, lessen the impact on the environment,
             substantial ethical and regulatory obstacles underscore the   and  enhance  access  to  healthcare  for  underserved
             necessity  of  a  concerted  worldwide  strategy.  All  things   communities.  Although  there  are  still  many  obstacles  to
             considered,  the  project  is  in  line  with  public  health  and   overcome, the study highlights how these platforms have the
             global sustainability objectives, making it a progressive and   ability to completely transform pharmaceutical distribution
             significant suggestion. With an estimated 30% decrease in   networks,  making  them  more  sustainable,  efficient,  and
             pharmaceutical  waste  and  a  corresponding  drop  in   egalitarian.  By  integrating  cutting-edge  technologies  and
             pollutants  from  inappropriate  drug  disposal,  Pharma   fostering worldwide collaboration, Pharma Exchange could
             Exchange  has  major  positive  environmental  effects.   establish a new benchmark in tackling
             Economically speaking, redistributing unneeded medications
             could  improve  access  for  marginalized  groups  while   References
             reducing treatment costs for rare and chronic illnesses by up   [1]   World Health Organization (WHO). (2020). Guidelines
             to 20%. Socially, the platform might improve public health   on  the  Rational  Use  of  Medicines.  Retrieved  from
             outcomes  by  increasing  chronic  disease  treatment
             adherence, particularly in low-income areas.            en/
             The  report  does,  however,  recognize  the  difficulties  in   [2]   U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Administration  (FDA).  (2021).
             putting  such  a  platform  into  practice.  Policymakers,   Regulation of Drug Distribution and Reuse. Retrieved
             healthcare  providers,  regulatory  bodies,  and  technology   from
             developers must work together to properly handle logistical,   [3]   European Medicines Agency (EMA). (2022). Medicinal
             ethical, and regulatory challenges. Designing effective supply   Product  Regulations  in  Europe.  Retrieved  from
             chains, guaranteeing medication safety, and fostering public
             confidence  in  the  redistribution  process  all  depend  on
             stakeholder participation.                         [4]   Access  to  Medicines  Foundation.  (2023).  Annual
                                                                     Report:  Global  Medicine  Accessibility  Challenges.
             Pharma  Exchange  addresses  inequalities  in  access  to
                                                                     Retrieved                             from
             medications and encourages environmental preservation,
             which is in line with global sustainability and equitable aims.
             Its  success  hinges  on  the  development  of  precise,   [5]   Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. (2024).
             standardized norms and the active involvement of important   The  Impact  of  Drug  Redistribution  on  Healthcare
             technological and healthcare partners. The platform is an   Access. Pharmaceutical Policy Review, 9(3), 134-145.

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