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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             marketplace, setting a benchmark for efficiency, trust, and   each  tagged  with  their  respective  categories,  condition
             environmental responsibility.                      ratings,  and  historical  price  data.  Table  1  outlines  the
             III.   PROPOSED WORK                               number of product categories in the dataset.
             In  this  phase,  we  define  the  process  to  revolutionize  the   Table 1. Number of product categories in the dataset
             second-hand marketplace through Quick Mart's innovative        Sr. No     Category
             solutions. The approach is based on optimizing the buying        1    Electronics
             and selling process for second-hand goods using advanced         2    Furniture
             technologies.  The  proposed  framework  for  Quick  Mart  is    3    Clothing
             presented  below,  where  different  data  sets  (training  and   4   Books
             testing) were used for prediction and classification tasks. In   5    Kitchen Appliances
             the first step, products were categorized based on various
                                                                              6    Sports Equipment
             conditions  (new,  like-new,  lightly  used,  etc.),  and  were
                                                                              7    Tools and Gadgets
             processed into a structured format for feature extraction.
                                                                              8    Jewelry
             After  this,  smart  algorithms  were  applied  for  product
                                                                              9    Musical Instruments
             classification and price prediction.
                                                                             10    Collectibles
             The  process  is  divided  into  four  key  sub-sections:  data   11   Miscellaneous
             collection, data pre-processing, classifier  description, and
             performance  assessment.  Each  of  these  is  described  in   Table 2. Number of images in model evaluation
                                                                        Number of images  Folder directory
             further detail below:
                                                                             4736            Training
             Data Collection                                                 1184             Testing
             For this work, data was collected from Quick Mart's platform,   1184           Validating
             which  includes  a  variety  of  second-hand  products  across
             categories such as electronics, furniture, clothing, and books.   Validation  Set:  This  set  of  images  will  be  used  during
             The data was obtained by combining datasets from public   training to adjust all the model parameters.
             repositories and  Quick Mart's own database. The dataset   Testing Set: This set of images will not be involved until the
             consists of thousands of images of second-hand products,   final performance of the model is assessed.

                                    Fig. 2. Sample images of second-hand products in the dataset.
             Data Pre-processing
             Data pre-processing plays a crucial role in any machine learning model. In this phase, missing values and redundant data are
             handled. Data augmentation is applied to expand the dataset. The steps include:
               Loading the Data: The dataset is loaded, and the training and testing data are separated into arrays.
               Shuffling and Splitting the Data: The data is shuffled and then split into training, validation, and testing sets in an 80:20
               Encoding Labels: Since the labels are textual, they are transformed into numerical values using Label Encoder.
               Converting Labels to Categorical Form: The labels are further converted into categorical form to enhance model training
             Feature Extraction
             Feature extraction plays a vital role in the success of any model. In the context of Quick Mart, feature extraction involves
             identifying and isolating meaningful patterns or characteristics from the product images. These extracted features help to
             predict product categories and their price range.

             The feature extraction methods used include:
               Texture Analysis: Texture features, such as entropy and homogeneity, are used to evaluate product conditions and
                identify defects.

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