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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             VII.   CONCLUSION                                  [5]   McCleery, J., et al. "The National Institute on Aging and
             The  proposed  solution  leverages  an  innovative  machine-  Alzheimer’s  Association  Research  Framework:  A
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             Quick Mart second-hand marketplace. With an impressive   Cognitive  Improvement  Group."  Alzheimer's  &
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             or faulty. This automation significantly reduces transaction   of  Life  of  People  with  Young-  and  Late-Onset
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             smoother process for buyers and sellers alike. By utilizing a   and Neurology, vol. 31, pp. 76–83, 2018.
             diverse dataset of over 10,000 product images, the system
             ensures  accurate  identification  regardless  of  a  product's   [7]   Johnson,  N.  A.,  et  al.  "Pattern  of  Cerebral
             condition or origin.                                    Hypoperfusion  in  Alzheimer  Disease  and  Mild
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             Advanced image processing techniques play a crucial role in
                                                                     Labeling MR Imaging: Initial Experience." Radiology,
             enhancing  the  system’s  adaptability  and  performance
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             techniques  allow  the  model  to  better  understand  and   [8]   Cedazo-Minguez, A., and B. Winblad. "Biomarkers for
             categorize products in various conditions, ensuring reliable   Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Forms of Dementia:
             results even in complex marketplace scenarios. The system’s   Clinical  Needs,  Limitations,  and  Future  Aspects."
             ability to classify accurately across different product types   Experimental Gerontology,  vol. 45, no. 1,  pp. 5–14,
             underscores  its  effectiveness  in  reducing  errors  and   2010.
             improving the user experience, ultimately driving customer   [9]
             satisfaction and fostering increased transactions.      Nanni,  L.,  et  al.  "A  Comparison  of  Methods  for
                                                                     Extracting Information from the Co-occurrence Matrix
             Looking ahead, future improvements to the system will focus   for Subcellular Classification." Expert Systems with
             on incorporating larger and more authentic datasets, as well   Applications, vol. 40, no. 18, pp. 7457–7467, 2013.
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             sophisticated   feature   selection   algorithms.   These   Barker,  J.,  et  al.  "Automated  Classification  of  Brain
                                                                     Tumor Type in Whole-Slide Digital Pathology Images
             advancements will further refine the model, allowing it to
                                                                     Using  Local  Representative  Tiles."  Medical  Image
             generalize  even  more  effectively  across  diverse  product
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             appearances and incomplete information. By revolutionizing
             product classification in the second-hand commerce sector,   [11]   Liu, T., et al. "A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach to
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             growth within the industry.                             Medical Dataset." Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
             VIII.   FUTURE SCOPE                                    vol. 101, pp. 101723, 2019.
             While  the  proposed  model  has  yielded  significant   [12]   Fang, G., et al. "A Machine Learning Approach to Select
             improvements in streamlining the second-hand marketplace,   Features   Important   to   Stroke   Prognosis."
             there  remains  ample  potential  for  further  development.   Computational  Biology  and  Chemistry,  vol.  88,  pp.
             Future enhancements could involve integrating advanced   107316, 2020.
             filtering techniques and exploring additional features in the   [13]
             platform’s   algorithms,   such   as   those   used   in   Guerrero,  R.,  et  al.  (2018).  "White  Matter
                                                                     Hyperintensity and Stroke Lesion Segmentation and
             recommendation  systems,  price  prediction,  and  image
                                                                     Differentiation   Using   Convolutional   Neural
             recognition.  The  goal  is  to  refine  the  user  experience,
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             the  incorporation  of  machine  learning  models  for  fraud   [14]   Diniz, P.H.B., et al. (2018). "Detection of White Matter
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