Page 154 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

                                       Fig 2: Proposed model of the disease predicting system
               Raw Data:                                       V.     PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
             ·   This  is  the  starting  point,  containing  unprocessed   The performance of the proposed model will be evaluated
                information about patients and their health conditions.   using the following metrics:
                                                                1.  Accuracy:  Measures  the  percentage  of  correct
               Preprocessing :
             ·   The raw data is transformed into a suitable format for   predictions.
                machine learning algorithms. This involves tasks like:    2.  Class-Wise  Performance:  Assesses  precision,  recall,
             o  Cleaning  the  data  to  handle  missing  values  or   and F1-score for each disease.
                                                                3.  Confidence Scores: Analyzes the reliability of model
             o  Feature  engineering  to  extract  relevant  information   predictions.
                from the raw data.
                                                                4.  Comparative Analysis: Compares the hybrid model's
             o  Normalization or scaling of data to ensure features have
                                                                   performance to single-modal ML or DL systems.
                comparable ranges.
                                                                5.  Scalability  and  Resource  Efficiency:  Evaluates  the
               Training Set & Testing Set:                        computational efficiency and adaptability of the model
             ·   The preprocessed data is divided into two subsets:
                                                                   to diverse datasets.
             o  Training Set: Used to train the machine learning model.
                The model learns patterns and relationships from this   This evaluation ensures that the model provides not only
                data.                                           accurate predictions but also scalable and resource-efficient
                                                                solutions for real-world applications.
             o  Testing Set: Used to evaluate the model's performance
                on unseen data. This helps assess how well the model   VI.   RESULT ANALYSIS
                generalizes to new cases.                         Metrics Analysis :
                                                                ·   Prediction  Accuracy:  Achieved  high  overall  accuracy,
               Final Model:
             ·   The  diagram  suggests  two  different  approaches  to   demonstrating  reliable  performance  in  predicting
                building the final model :                         Chronic diseases.
             o  Disease  Prediction  using  CNN:  Convolutional  Neural   ·   Confidence  Scores:  The  model  provided  consistent
                Networks (CNNs) are deep learning models well-suited   confidence levels, indicating robust predictions.
                for  image  analysis.  They  might  be  used  to  analyze
                medical  images  (like  X-rays  or  scans)  to  predict  the   ·   Probability Distribution: Predicted probabilities across
                presence of a disease.                             diseases were balanced, reducing bias toward specific
             o  Calculating Distance using KNN: K-Nearest Neighbors
                (KNN) is a simpler algorithm that classifies new data   ·   Per-Class  Metrics:  Precision,  recall,  and  F1-scores
                points based on the distances to their nearest neighbors   highlighted  strong  performance  across  all  disease
                in the training set.                               categories, visualized using a confusion matrix.
               Predictive Model for Disease:                     Comparative Analysis :
             ·   The final output is a trained model that can be used to   ·   Better Than Single-Modality Systems: The multi-modal
                predict  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  disease  in  new   approach performed better than single-modality models,
                patients based on their data.                      improving accuracy and diagnosis precision.

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