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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        mirror	real-world	threat	environments,	allowing	learners	to	  III.   PROPOSED	WORK
        practice	and	refine	their	skills	in	a	safe	yet	realistic	setting.	  This	study	proposes	an	in-depth	exploration	of	how	artificial
                                                               intelligence	 (AI)	 can	 be	 harnessed	 to	 revolutionize
        Furthermore,	 AI's	 application	 in	 cybersecurity	 training	  cybersecurity	 education	 through	 the	 development	 and
        extends	 to	 automated	 assessment	 systems.	 For	 instance,	  implementation	of	the	AI	CyberAcademy.	The	proposed	work
        tools	 leveraging	 natural	 language	 processing	 (NLP)	 have	  focuses	on	analyzing	and	demonstrating	how	AI-driven	tools
        been	used	to	evaluate	written	incident	response	plans,	while	  and	methodologies	can	address	current	gaps	in	traditional
        machine	 learning	 algorithms	 identify	 gaps	 in	 learners'	  cybersecurity	 training	 by	 offering	 adaptive,	 personalized,
        understanding	by	analyzing	performance	metrics.	Research	  and	hands-on	learning	experiences	tailored	to	the	dynamic
        has	also	shown	the	effectiveness	of	gamified	AI	platforms,	  nature	of	cyber	threats.
        such	 as	 CyberCIEGE,	 in	 engaging	 learners	 through
        interactive,	 game-based	 modules	 designed	 to	 teach	  The	AI	CyberAcademy	platform	will	incorporate	advanced	AI
        cybersecurity	principles.	                             technologies	 such	 as	 machine	 learning,	 natural	 language
                                                               processing	(NLP),	and	virtual	simulation	systems	to	create
        A	growing	body	of	literature	also	addresses	the	challenges	of	  an	 interactive	 and	 immersive	 learning	 environment.	 The
        implementing	 AI	 in	 cybersecurity	 education.	 Ethical	  core	functionality	of	the	platform	includes:
        concerns,	including	algorithmic	bias	and	data	privacy,	are	  Ø  Adaptive	Learning	Paths:	AI	algorithms	will	assess	the
        prominent	 issues,	 as	 highlighted	 by	 scholars	 like	 Binns	  strengths,	 weaknesses,	 and	 learning	 preferences	 of
        (2018)	and	Crawford	(2021).	Technical	barriers,	such	as	the	  individual	users	to	dynamically	adjust	the	curriculum
        cost	 of	 AI	 infrastructure	 and	 the	 digital	 divide,	 further	  and	provide	tailored	content.
        complicate	widespread	adoption.	Despite	these	obstacles,	  Ø  Real-Time	Threat	Simulations:	Learners	will	engage	in
        studies	underscore	AI's	potential	to	democratize	access	to	  AI-driven,	 real-world	 scenarios,	 such	 as	 penetration
        cybersecurity	education	by	reducing	reliance	on	costly,	in-  testing,	incident	response,	and	malware	analysis,	to	gain
        person	 training	 programs	 and	 enabling	 remote,	 scalable	  practical	 experience	 in	 combating	 sophisticated
        In	 addition,	 research	 has	 begun	 exploring	 AI's	 role	 in	  Ø  Automated	Assessment	and	Feedback:	AI	will	analyze
        fostering	 collaboration	 between	 human	 experts	 and	   user	performance	in	exercises	and	simulations,	offering
        intelligent	systems.	For	example,	hybrid	AI-human	teaching	  immediate	and	constructive	feedback	to	enhance	skill
        models	combine	the	expertise	of	instructors	with	AI’s	ability	  development.
        to	deliver	data-driven	insights	and	automate	repetitive	tasks,	  Ø  Personalized	Virtual	Assistants:	NLP-based	chatbots	and
        resulting	in	a	more	efficient	learning	experience.	Platforms	  virtual	mentors	will	guide	learners,	answer	queries,	and
        like	 the	 AI	 CyberAcademy	 build	 upon	 this	 approach,	  provide	recommendations	for	additional	resources	or
        integrating	machine	learning-based	adaptive	teaching	with	  exercises.
        expert-guided	training.	                               Ø  Gamification	Elements:	To	maintain	learner	engagement,
                                                                  the	platform	will	integrate

                                                   Fig.1	Proposed	Work
        The	 proposed	 work	 will	 also	 emphasize	 inclusivity	 and	  The	 research	 will	 adopt	 a	 mixed-methods	 approach,
        scalability	 by	 designing	 the	 AI	 CyberAcademy	 to	 be	  involving	both	qualitative	and	quantitative	data	collection	to
        accessible	to	diverse	learner	groups,	ranging	from	novices	to	  evaluate	the	platform's	effectiveness.	Key	metrics	include
        seasoned	professionals.	This	will	involve	the	development	of	  learner	engagement,	knowledge	retention,	and	practical	skill
        multilingual	support,	mobile	compatibility,	and	affordable	  development.	 Surveys,	 interviews,	 and	 performance
        access	to	training	modules	to	bridge	the	digital	divide.	  analytics	 will	 provide	 insights	 into	 user	 satisfaction	 and
                                                               areas	for	improvement.

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