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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
            and	 data	 analysis,	 allowing	 instructors	 to	 focus	 on	  19. Sustainability	and	Cost-Effectiveness:
            mentoring	and	advanced	guidance.	                  Ø  Efforts	 should	 focus	 on	 optimizing	 the	 platform’s
                                                                  infrastructure	to	ensure	it	remains	cost-effective	and
        11. Scalability	for	Mass	Training:	                       energy-efficient,	 making	 it	 more	 accessible	 to
        Ø  Future	platforms	could	focus	on	scaling	to	train	large	  underfunded	institutions	and	regions.
            groups,	such	as	employees	of	global	organizations,	by
            optimizing	 AI	 systems	 to	 handle	 high	 user	 volumes	  20. Cross-Disciplinary	Integration:
            without	compromising	personalization.	             Ø  Future	 platforms	 could	 integrate	 elements	 from
                                                                  psychology,	 behavioral	 science,	 and	 decision-making
        12. AI	for	Threat	Hunting	Training:	                      research	to	train	professionals	to	think	critically	under
        Ø  Platforms	 could	 incorporate	 AI-based	 threat	 hunting	  pressure	during	cybersecurity	crises.
            modules,	 teaching	 learners	 how	 to	 use	 AI	 tools	 to
            identify	and	mitigate	threats	in	proactive	cybersecurity	  The	future	scope	of	AI	in	cybersecurity	education	is	both	vast
            strategies.	                                       and	 promising.	 With	 advancements	 in	 technology	 and
                                                               increased	 global	 demand	 for	 skilled	 cybersecurity
        13. Research	on	Algorithm	Bias	Mitigation:	            professionals,	AI-driven	platforms	like	the	AI	CyberAcademy
        Ø  Addressing	algorithmic	biases	and	ensuring	fairness	in	  are	poised	to	play	a	pivotal	role	in	building	a	robust	and
            adaptive	learning	will	be	a	crucial	area	of	focus	to	create	  resilient	digital	workforce.
            equitable	training	experiences	for	all	learners.
                                                               IX.    REFERENCES
        14. Cybersecurity	for	Emerging	Technologies:	          [1]   NIST	        Cybersecurity	      Framework:
        Ø  AI	platforms	can	evolve	to	cover	security	training	for	  "Provides
            emerging	 technologies	 like	 quantum	 computing,	 IoT,	  guidelines	 for	 improving	 cybersecurity	 risk
            blockchain,	and	5G	networks.
        15. Open-Source	Collaboration:	                        [2]   CISA	 (Cybersecurity	 &	 Infrastructure	 Security
        Ø  Developing	 open-source	 AI	 cybersecurity	 education	   Agency):	"A	government	site
            platforms	could	foster	collaboration	among	researchers,	  for	protecting	the	nation's	critical	infrastructure.*
            educators,	and	practitioners,	accelerating	advancements
            in	the	field.	                                     [3]   SANS	 Institute:	 "Offers
                                                                    cybersecurity	training	and	certification."
        16. Gamification	and	eSports	Integration:
        Ø  Future	  platforms	  could	  integrate	  eSports-like	  [4]   OWASP	 (Open	 Web	 Application	 Security	 Project):
            competitions,	 where	 learners	 engage	 in	 gamified	 "Focuses	 on	 improving	 the
            cybersecurity	 challenges,	 encouraging	 community	     security	of	software	applications.
            learning	and	innovation.
                                                               [5]   "How	 Al	 is	 Shaping	 the	 Future	 of	 Cybersecurity,"
        17. Adaptive	Soft	Skills	Training:	                         Forbes,	2023.	1
        Ø  AI	could	also	train	learners	in	essential	soft	skills,	such	  [6]   "Top	Cybersecurity	Trends	in	2025,	"	Wired,	2024.
            as	 communication	 during	 incident	 response	 and
            teamwork	 under	 pressure,	 complementing	 technical
            training.	                                         [7]   "The	Rise	of	Cybersecurity	Automation,"	TechCrunch,
                                                                    2023.	[
        18. Impact	on	Policy	and	Regulation:
        Ø  Research	 could	 explore	 how	 AI-driven	 education	  [8]   '5	Essential	Skills	Every	Cybersecurity	Professional
            platforms	influence	national	and	international	policies	  Must	   Have,"	    CSO	    Online,	    2024
            for	workforce	development	in	cybersecurity.	  ]

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