Page 247 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
2. Skill Acquisition: consistent performance, indicating scalability and
Learners’ ability to apply knowledge in practical scenarios adaptability to varied learner needs.
was evaluated through real-world simulations. These 10. Long-Term Impact:
scenarios included phishing detection, malware analysis, and A longitudinal study tracked learners six months post-
incident response exercises. Performance data revealed a
40% increase in simulation success rates compared to training to evaluate the retention and application of skills in
professional settings. Results showed that 78% of
traditional training methods.
participants applied their training to resolve real-world
3. Engagement Metrics: cybersecurity incidents effectively.
Gamification elements, such as leaderboards and badges, The evaluation concluded that the AI CyberAcademy is highly
were analyzed for their impact on learner engagement. An effective in enhancing knowledge retention, skill acquisition,
85% module completion rate was observed, with 90% of and engagement. By integrating adaptive learning,
participants reporting higher motivation due to gamified
features. gamification, and real-world simulations, the platform
provides a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity
4. Personalization Effectiveness: education, making it a valuable tool in addressing the global
Adaptive learning paths were evaluated by tracking the time cybersecurity skills shortage.
learners spent on specific modules and their progress in
addressing knowledge gaps. Learners with personalized VI. RESULT ANALYSIS
The results of the AI CyberAcademy platform were analyzed
pathways demonstrated a 25% faster completion rate and across multiple dimensions to evaluate its effectiveness in
improved retention compared to those following cybersecurity education. These findings provide a
standardized curricula.
comprehensive understanding of how the platform
5. Simulation Accuracy: addressed challenges in knowledge retention, skill
Real-world attack simulations were used to measure the acquisition, and learner engagement while highlighting areas
practical application of skills. Learners identified and of success and opportunities for improvement.
mitigated threats with a 75% success rate, indicating the 1. Improved Knowledge Retention:
platform’s effectiveness in bridging the gap between The analysis of pre- and post-training test scores revealed
theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills.
significant knowledge retention improvements. On average,
6. Usability and User Satisfaction: participants achieved a 35% increase in scores, indicating
Surveys and feedback forms were employed to gauge user that the adaptive learning modules effectively reinforced
satisfaction. Results showed that 92% of learners found the theoretical concepts.
platform intuitive, while 89% rated the AI-powered virtual
assistant as a critical support feature during their learning 2. Practical Skill Development:
Learners performed exceptionally well in hands-on
simulations. Success rates for completing real-world
7. Comparison with Traditional Methods: scenarios, such as responding to phishing attacks and
A comparative study was conducted between learners using malware analysis, improved by 40% compared to those
the AI CyberAcademy and those undergoing traditional undergoing traditional training.
classroom training. The AI-driven platform outperformed 3. Engagement Metrics:
traditional methods in areas such as learner engagement, The gamification features, such as leaderboards and rewards,
knowledge retention, and practical skills.
played a crucial role in maintaining high engagement levels.
8. Ethical Considerations: The 85% module completion rate and high learner
The platform’s compliance with data privacy standards was participation in competitive challenges demonstrated the
evaluated. Learners expressed confidence in the system’s effectiveness of these features.
transparency regarding how their data was collected and 4. Personalization Benefits:
used, contributing to an 88% trust rating.
Participants following personalized learning paths
9. Scalability and Accessibility: completed modules 25% faster on average than those using a
The performance of the platform was tested across diverse one-size-fits-all approach. Feedback indicated that tailored
learner groups, including beginners, intermediate, and content made learning more relevant and manageable.
advanced professionals. The system demonstrated
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 237