Page 252 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        comprehensive,	 user-centric	 platform	 that	 revolutionizes	  between	service	providers	and	users,	ensuring	a	seamless
        how	vehicle	owners	access	auto	services.	By	leveraging	real-  and	efficient	experience.
        time	 technology,	 the	 platform	 aims	 to	 bridge	 the	 gap

        Core	Features:	                                        5.  Emergency	Assistance	Integration:
        1.  Real-Time	Location	Tracking:	                      In	addition	to	routine	services,	GarageLocator	will	include	a
        GarageLocator	will	use	GPS	technology	to	provide	accurate	  dedicated	feature	for	emergencies,	enabling	users	to	quickly
        real-time	 tracking,	 allowing	 users	 to	 locate	 the	 nearest	  find	garages	offering	roadside	assistance	or	towing	services.
        available	 garages	 based	 on	 their	 current	 location.	 This	  6.  Seamless	Booking	and	Payment:
        feature	 ensures	 prompt	 service,	 especially	 during
        emergencies.	                                          Users	will	be	able	to	book	appointments	directly	through	the
                                                               app	 and	 pay	 using	 secure	 digital	 payment	 methods,
        2.  Dynamic	Availability	Updates:	                     streamlining	the	entire	service	process	from	start	to	finish.
        The	 platform	 will	 integrate	 with	 garage	 management
        systems	 to	 display	 the	 real-time	 availability	 of	 services,	  7.  Garage	Partner	Dashboard:
                                                               A	 dedicated	 dashboard	 for	 service	 providers	 will	 allow
        mechanics,	and	equipment.	This	reduces	the	need	for	vehicle	  garages	to	manage	their	profiles,	update	service	availability,
        owners	 to	 call	 multiple	 garages	 to	 check	 availability	  respond	 to	 customer	 inquiries,	 and	 track	 bookings.	 This
                                                               feature	enhances	operational	efficiency	for	garage	owners.
        3.  Service	Filtering	and	Customization:	              Technological	Implementation:
        Users	 can	 filter	 garages	 based	 on	 specific	 needs	 such	 as	  Ø  Mobile	and	Web	Platform:
        vehicle	 type,	 service	 category	 (e.g.,	 oil	 change,	 tire	  The	solution	will	be	developed	as	a	cross-platform	mobile
        replacement,	engine	diagnostics),	price	range,	and	customer
        ratings.	 This	 customization	 ensures	 that	 users	 can	 find	 a	  application	(iOS	and	Android)	and	a	web	portal,	ensuring
                                                               accessibility	across	devices.
        garage	that	suits	their	unique	requirements.
                                                               Ø  Integration	with	Mapping	APIs:
        4.  Transparent	Pricing	and	Reviews:	                  The	platform	will	integrate	with	advanced	mapping	APIs
        To	 build	 trust,	 the	 platform	 will	 provide	 upfront	 pricing
        estimates	for	common	services,	along	with	user	reviews	and	  such	as	Google	Maps	or	Mapbox	to	provide	accurate	location
                                                               tracking	and	route	optimization.
        ratings	 for	 each	 garage.	 This	 transparency	 helps	 vehicle
        owners	make	informed	decisions.

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	242
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