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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Ø Enhanced Marketing Strategies: Increase user and semi-urban areas would further increase accessibility to
awareness for non-urgent use cases, such as routine reliable auto services. Moreover, incorporating multilingual
maintenance and vehicle inspections, through targeted support and regional customizations can help cater to
campaigns. diverse user demographics.
Ø Integration with Roadside Assistance Services: Another promising avenue is the adoption of green
Partner with roadside assistance companies to expand initiatives, such as integrating electric vehicle (EV) charging
the platform’s capabilities in handling breakdowns and station locators and promoting eco-friendly garages.
towing. Additionally, augmented reality (AR)-based diagnostics and
virtual consultations could provide users with pre-service
VII. CONCLUSION assessments, enhancing convenience.
The development of GarageLocator: Bridging the Gap
between Vehicle Owners and Local Auto Services with Real- By addressing challenges such as onboarding smaller
Time Technology highlights the transformative potential of garages and optimizing non-urgent service use cases,
leveraging real-time technologies to address long-standing GarageLocator has the potential to become a global leader in
challenges in the automotive service industry. By providing a real-time auto service solutions, setting a benchmark for
user-centric platform that integrates real-time location innovation and efficiency in the automotive industry.
tracking, dynamic availability updates, and transparent
service information, GarageLocator has successfully REFERENCE
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