Page 254 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
V. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION B. User Surveys and Feedback
The performance evaluation of the GarageLocator platform Ø Pre- and Post-Use Surveys: Administer surveys to
involves assessing its efficiency, accuracy, usability, and users before and after platform usage to understand
overall impact on both vehicle owners and local auto service their expectations and satisfaction levels.
providers. The evaluation will focus on key metrics and
feedback collected from users, service providers, and system Ø Focus Groups: Organize focus group discussions with
selected users to gather qualitative insights into their
logs during both pilot testing and full-scale deployment. experience with the platform.
Below are the primary criteria and methodologies for
evaluating the system: C. Comparative Analysis
Ø Compare the performance of GarageLocator with
1. Key Performance Metrics existing solutions (e.g., Google Maps, Yelp, RepairPal) to
A. System Efficiency highlight the platform's unique value and advantages.
Ø Response Time: Measure the average time taken for the
platform to connect users with suitable auto service D. Real-Time Monitoring
providers. Ø Use data analytics dashboards to monitor key metrics
such as average search time, booking rates, and
Ø Search and Match Accuracy: Evaluate how accurately customer interactions in real time.
the system identifies relevant garages based on user
preferences and real-time availability. Ø Analyze system logs for error reports, latency issues,
and response times to ensure smooth platform
Ø Real-Time Updates: Assess the system’s ability to operation.
provide dynamic updates on garage availability,
estimated service times, and pricing. E. Case Studies
Ø Document case studies from participating garages and
B. User Satisfaction vehicle owners to showcase real-world success stories
Ø Ease of Use: Conduct surveys to gauge how intuitive and and quantify the platform's impact on their operations.
user-friendly the platform interface is for vehicle
owners. 3. Evaluation Criteria
A. Quantitative Criteria
Ø Satisfaction Rate: Collect feedback on customer Ø Average Match Time: Target an average response time
satisfaction with the accuracy of search results, service of fewer than 10 seconds to connect users with a garage.
quality, and transparency.
Ø Booking Conversion Rate: Aim for at least 70% of
Ø Repeat Usage: Track the percentage of users who searches to result in confirmed bookings.
return to the platform for subsequent service needs.
Ø Uptime: Ensure the platform maintains a server uptime
C. Impact on Service Providers
Ø Increased Visibility: Measure changes in the number of of 99.5% or higher.
bookings and customer inquiries received by garages B. Qualitative Criteria
after joining the platform. Ø User Experience: Evaluate overall user satisfaction
based on feedback, focusing on aspects such as
Ø Operational Efficiency: Evaluate how the platform
streamlines garage operations, such as scheduling and simplicity, clarity, and convenience.
service management. Ø Trust and Transparency: Assess how users perceive
the transparency of pricing and service reviews.
Ø Revenue Growth: Analyze the increase in revenue for
participating garages due to greater visibility and Ø Adoption by Garages: Measure garage owners'
customer reach. willingness to integrate the platform into their
operations and their satisfaction with the results.
D. Platform Scalability and Reliability
Ø Server Uptime: Monitor server uptime and the 4. Tools and Techniques for Evaluation
platform's ability to handle concurrent users during Ø Performance Monitoring Tools: Use tools like Google
peak times. Analytics, Firebase, or custom-built dashboards to track
real-time system metrics.
Ø Scalability: Test the platform's performance in handling
increasing user traffic as it expands to new regions. Ø Survey Platforms: Deploy platforms such as
SurveyMonkey or Google Forms for collecting feedback
Ø Error Rate: Track the frequency of system crashes, from users and service providers.
bugs, or errors affecting user experience.
Ø A/B Testing: Test different platform features (e.g.,
2. Methodology for Performance Evaluation
A. Pilot Testing interface designs or recommendation algorithms) to
Ø Objective: Test the platform in a controlled identify the most effective configurations.
environment (e.g., a specific city or region) to gather Ø Data Analytics: Leverage machine learning and data
initial feedback and performance data. analysis tools to process large volumes of user and
system data, identifying trends and improvement areas.
Ø Participants: Include a mix of vehicle owners and local
garages to evaluate both user and service provider 5. Expected Outcomes
perspectives. Ø Improved efficiency in connecting vehicle owners with
local garages, reducing wait times and effort.
Ø Data Collection: Use analytics tools to monitor system
performance metrics, user behavior, and engagement Ø Enhanced user satisfaction due to transparency, ease of
levels during the pilot phase. use, and real-time updates.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 244