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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        Ø  Increased	 visibility	 and	 revenue	 for	 local	 garages,	  3.  Platform	Performance
            driving	 adoption	 of	 the	 platform	 among	 service	  A.  System	Efficiency
            providers.	                                        Ø  Response	 Time:	 The	 average	 response	 time	 for
                                                                  connecting	users	to	suitable	garages	was	recorded	at	8
        Ø  A	 scalable	 and	 reliable	 platform	 capable	 of	 handling	  seconds,	surpassing	the	target	of	10	seconds.
            large-scale	operations	and	expanding	into	new	markets.
                                                               Ø  Uptime:	The	platform	achieved	99.7%	uptime	during
        Ø  Identification	of	areas	for	further	improvement,	such	as	  the	pilot	phase,	ensuring	high	reliability.
            enhanced	algorithms	for	recommendations	or	additional
            user-focused	features.	                            B.  Scalability
                                                               Ø  The	platform	successfully	handled	a	50%	increase	in
        VI.    RESULT	ANALYSIS	                                   user	 traffic	 during	 peak	 hours	 without	 noticeable
        The	result	analysis	for	the	GarageLocator	platform	involves	  performance	degradation.
        interpreting	data	collected	during	the	pilot	testing,	full-scale
        deployment,	 and	 evaluation	 phases.	 The	 results	 are	  Ø  Geographic	expansion	tests	revealed	that	the	platform
        categorized	into	key	areas	to	measure	the	platform's	overall	  could	 seamlessly	 scale	 to	 new	 regions	 with	 minimal
        effectiveness,	user	satisfaction,	service	provider	impact,	and	  configuration	adjustments.
        technological	 performance.	 This	 analysis	 serves	 as	 a	  C.  Error	Rates
        benchmark	to	assess	the	success	of	the	platform	in	achieving
        its	objectives	and	identifying	areas	for	improvement.	  Ø  System	errors,	such	as	crashes	or	failed	searches,	were
                                                                  minimal,	occurring	in	less	than	1%	of	interactions.	These
        1.  User	Engagement	and	Satisfaction	                     were	addressed	promptly	with	regular	updates.
        A.  User	Engagement	                                   4.  Comparative	Performance
        Ø  Search	Frequency:	The	average	number	of	searches	per
            user	per	month	indicates	high	engagement.	For	instance,	  A.  Against	Competitors
                                                               Ø  Compared	 to	 existing	 platforms	 like	 Google	 Maps	 or
            users	conducted	an	average	of	4-5	searches	monthly	for	  Yelp,	GarageLocator	demonstrated	a	30%	higher	match
            various	services,	including	emergency	assistance	and
            routine	maintenance.	                                 accuracy	 due	 to	 its	 real-time	 updates	 and	 tailored
                                                                  filtering	options.
        Ø  Conversion	 Rate:	 Approximately	 75%	 of	 searches	  Ø  The	booking	conversion	rate	was	significantly	higher
            resulted	 in	 confirmed	 bookings,	 highlighting	 the	  than	that	of	competitors,	which	lack	integrated	booking
            platform's	ability	to	connect	users	with	suitable	garages
            effectively.	                                         systems	and	real-time	service	availability	updates.
                                                               B.  Value	Addition
        B.  User	Satisfaction	                                 Ø  GarageLocator's	 unique	 combination	 of	 real-time
        Ø  Survey	Results:	Post-service	surveys	showed	that	85%
            of	users	rated	the	platform	as	"very	convenient,"	with	an	  technology,	 transparent	 pricing,	 and	 user-centric
                                                                  features	provided	a	distinct	advantage	over	traditional
            average	satisfaction	score	of	4.6/5.
                                                                  methods,	 such	 as	 phone-based	 inquiries	 or	 manual
        Ø  Ease	of	Use:	90%	of	users	found	the	platform	interface	  searches.
            intuitive	and	easy	to	navigate,	especially	features	like
            real-time	tracking	and	transparent	pricing.	       5.  Key	Insights
        Ø  Repeat	 Usage:	 Data	 revealed	 that	 65%	 of	 users	  Ø  Real-Time	 Functionality:	 The	 dynamic	 updates	 and
            returned	to	the	platform	for	subsequent	services	within	  location-based	search	features	were	among	the	most
            two	months	of	their	first	use.	                       praised	aspects	by	both	users	and	service	providers.
        2.  Impact	on	Service	Providers	                       Ø  Transparent	 Pricing	 and	 Reviews:	 These	 features
        A.  Increased	Visibility	                                 significantly	increased	trust	and	confidence	among	users
        Ø  Garage	 registrations	 grew	 by	 40%	 in	 the	 first	 three	  when	selecting	a	garage.
            months,	 indicating	 strong	 interest	 from	 service	  Ø  Emergency	Assistance	Integration:	Users	appreciated
                                                                  the	 ability	 to	 locate	 emergency	 services	 quickly,
        Ø  Participating	 garages	 reported	 a	 25-30%	 increase	 in	  especially	in	unfamiliar	areas.
            new	customer	inquiries	attributed	to	the	platform.
        B.  Operational	Efficiency	                            Ø  Onboarding	Smaller	Garages:	Some	smaller	service
        Ø  Garages	 with	 active	 profiles	 reported	 a	 20%	     providers	 lacked	 the	 technical	 infrastructure	 to	 fully
            improvement	in	workflow	efficiency	due	to	features	like	  integrate	with	the	platform,	requiring	additional	support
            online	 booking	 and	 real-time	 service	 management	  or	simplified	onboarding	processes.
                                                               Ø  User	Adoption	in	Non-Urgent	Scenarios:	While	the
        Ø  Reduced	idle	time	for	service	providers	as	users	were	  platform	excelled	in	emergency	use	cases,	some	users
            able	 to	 see	 real-time	 availability	 and	 schedule	 visits	  were	 less	 inclined	 to	 use	 it	 for	 routine	 maintenance
            accordingly.	                                         services,	preferring	existing	service	providers	they	were
                                                                  already	familiar	with.
        C.  Revenue	Growth
        Ø  On	average,	garages	experienced	a	15-20%	increase	in	  6.  Recommendations	for	Improvement
            monthly	revenue	after	joining	GarageLocator,	driven	by	  Ø  Simplified	  Garage	  Onboarding:	  Introduce	  a
            higher	  customer	  inflow	  and	  better	  booking	  streamlined	onboarding	process,	including	training	and
            management.	                                          technical	support	for	smaller	garages.

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	245
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