Page 288 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
research incorporates both qualitative and quantitative Ø Filter and search options for buyers to find medicines
methods to identify core challenges in pharmaceutical waste based on name, category (e.g., antibiotics, painkillers),
management and opportunities for medicine sharing. By brand, or location.
employing exploratory and descriptive elements, the study Ø Option for sellers to upload authenticity documents,
aims to assess the environmental, social, and economic
benefits of redistributing surplus medications. The such as purchase receipts or barcodes, for verification
framework integrates primary data obtained through
stakeholder interviews, surveys, and focus groups with 3. Expiry Date and Quality Verification System
secondary data from existing literature, case studies, and Ø Integration of AI-based or manual quality assurance
government reports on pharmaceutical waste. Comparative checks for medicine listings to ensure they meet
analysis is also employed to study existing medicine regulatory standards.
redistribution models, highlighting best practices that align
with sustainability goals. Ø Mandatory expiry date validation to ensure no expired
medicines are listed on the platform.
2. Data Collection Methods Ø Alerts for buyers and sellers nearing medicine
The research utilizes several methods of data collection to expiration, ensuring timely use or removal of the listing.
ensure a comprehensive investigation. First, surveys are
conducted among key stakeholders, including pharmacists, 4. Digital Matching and Inventory Optimization
healthcare providers, patients, and regulatory authorities, to Ø Advanced matching algorithms to connect sellers with
collect insights into their experiences with pharmaceutical buyers based on their geographical location to minimize
waste and willingness to participate in medicine-sharing logistics costs and time.
initiatives. Second, in-depth interviews with representatives
from startups, NGOs, and digital platforms involved in Ø Inventory management tools for institutions, enabling
circular economy and waste reduction are conducted to bulk uploads and tracking surplus stock.
gather expert opinions on the barriers and facilitators of Ø Suggestions for donating unsold medicines to verified
implementing such a platform. Third, field visits and case charities or non-profits, increasing platform impact.
studies of local and global initiatives focused on medicine
donations and waste management provide practical evidence 5. Secure Payment Gateway
for the proposed solution. Secondary data, including journal Ø Integrated payment systems for seamless transactions
articles, industry reports, and policy documents, is analyzed between buyers and sellers.
to identify gaps in current frameworks. Ø Payment escrow system to safeguard both parties until
3. Development and Prototyping the medicine is delivered and verified.
A critical aspect of this research involves the design and Ø Transparent fees and commissions for the platform to
development of the PharmaExchange framework, including maintain its operations without hidden charges.
functional specifications for digital platform architecture.
This phase involves collaboration with technical and 7. Challenges
healthcare experts to conceptualize algorithms for surplus 1. Regulatory and Legal Barriers
medicine matching, ensuring safety and compliance. The One of the primary challenges for PharmaExchange is
platform prototype is developed with features that include navigating the complex web of regulations governing the
user registration, inventory listing, recipient eligibility resale and redistribution of medicines. Different
checks, and authentication systems to verify medicine countries and regions have their own policies regarding
quality. Simulation techniques are used to test the the sale of prescription medications, handling of unused
prototype's efficacy under different scenarios, such as medicines, and control of pharmaceutical supply chains.
varying demand-supply conditions and geographical Ensuring the platform complies with such diverse
boundaries. The framework is intentionally built to ensure regulations while maintaining user trust could be a
sustainability, affordability, and scalability, making it significant hurdle. Moreover, the laws around liability in
accessible to users across diverse socioeconomic contexts. case of damages due to improper use or fake medicines
create additional complications. Regulatory authorities
6. Key Features of PharmaExchange may require stringent documentation, traceability, and
1. User Registration and Authentication batch verification systems, all of which increase
Ø Secure registration process for all users, including operational complexity. Cooperation with regulatory
individual sellers, buyers, pharmacies, and healthcare agencies and constant monitoring of law changes would
institutions. be essential but demanding.
Ø Identity verification and licensing checks for 2. Ensuring Safety and Quality of Medicines
professional users like pharmacies or medical PharmaExchange may face challenges in verifying the
practitioners. quality and safety of medicines sold or resold on the
Ø Role-based user access to ensure accountability (e.g., platform. Ensuring that every listed medicine is non-
sellers, buyers, regulators). expired, authentic, and stored under proper conditions
(e.g., cold-chain storage) before resale is crucial to
2. Medicine Listing and Catalog prevent health risks. Without robust verification
Ø A detailed catalog feature allowing sellers to list systems, there is a risk of counterfeit or contaminated
available medicines with information such as name, medicines infiltrating the supply chain, potentially
batch number, expiry date, storage conditions, and jeopardizing user safety and the platform's reputation.
quantity. Implementing manual inspection alongside
technological solutions, such as AI-based verification or
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 278