Page 290 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
global standard for reducing resource wastage and [4] Pharmacists' Activities to Reduce Medication
enhancing health equity worldwide. Waste: An International Survey: This survey
explores various opportunities pharmacists have to
10. References reduce medication waste throughout the
[1] PharmaSwap: The Sharing Marketplace to Reduce pharmaceutical supply chain, emphasizing the
Medication Waste: pharmacists that creates importance of implementing waste-reducing activities
transparency in the supply and demand for expensive in practice.
medicines, aiming to reduce medication wastage by [
connecting supply and demand in a professional
manner. /]
[ [5] Management of Pharmaceutical Household Waste:
od-practices/pharmaswap-sharing-marketplace- This publication by the OECD addresses the
reduce-medication-waste] increasing volumes of household medicine waste and
discusses management practices to mitigate
[2] Pharmaceuticals Wastage and Pharmaceuticals environmental and health risks.
Waste Management: pharmaceutical wastage rate [
and management practices in public health facilities, t-of-pharmaceutical-household-waste_3854026c-
highlighting the importance of proper inventory en.html]
control and waste management to reduce
pharmaceutical waste. [6] Information for Hospitals, Pharmacies, and Other
[ Businesses that Have Medicines: The U.S.
/] Environmental Protection Agency provides guidelines
for healthcare facilities on the proper disposal of
[3] How Should Responsibility for Proper Medication pharmaceutical waste to ensure environmental safety.
Disposal Be Shared?: pharmaceutical companies, [
government agencies, and local health organizations disposal/information-hospitals-pharmacies-and-
in managing medication disposal programs to reduce other-businesses-have-medicines]
pharmaceutical waste. [https://journalofethics.ama-
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 280