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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Ø Impact on Stakeholders: Benefits realized by both that cater to evolving customer needs. Additionally, the
users (e.g., convenience) and service providers (e.g., adoption of predictive maintenance and gamification
efficiency). features not only improved engagement but also promoted
proactive vehicle care. These findings emphasize the value of
5. Expected Outcomes leveraging technology to modernize traditional industries,
Ø For Users: Improved ease of locating and accessing providing a blueprint for similar innovations in the
garages, higher satisfaction, and reduced maintenance automotive sector.
In conclusion, GarageLocator serves as a practical and
Ø For Garages: Enhanced appointment management, scalable model for optimizing auto maintenance, bridging the
better utilization of resources, and increased customer gap between vehicle owners and garages, and setting a
precedent for future advancements in the industry. Future
Ø For the Platform: Sustained growth in user base, high work can focus on expanding the platform’s reach,
engagement levels, and positive feedback, integrating advanced AI capabilities, and exploring
demonstrating the app’s effectiveness. partnerships with automotive stakeholders to further
enhance the auto maintenance ecosystem.
This comprehensive evaluation provides actionable insights
for optimizing GarageLocator, ensuring its continued success VIII. FUTURE SCOPE
in transforming the auto maintenance industry. The future scope of GarageLocator lies in expanding its
capabilities and reach to create a more comprehensive and
VI. RESULT ANALYSIS intelligent auto maintenance ecosystem. Potential
The analysis of results from the implementation and advancements include integrating advanced AI and machine
evaluation of GarageLocator reveals significant learning algorithms for enhanced predictive maintenance,
improvements in service accessibility, user satisfaction, and offering personalized service recommendations, and
operational efficiency for both users and service providers. enabling real-time diagnostics through IoT connectivity with
The platform demonstrated a marked reduction in the time vehicles. The platform can also explore partnerships with
required for users to locate nearby garages and schedule automotive manufacturers, insurance providers, and fleet
appointments, with a high percentage of users reporting management companies to broaden its user base.
increased convenience. Predictive maintenance notifications Additionally, incorporating multilingual support and
effectively prompted timely vehicle servicing, reducing the expanding to new regions can make the platform accessible
frequency of unexpected breakdowns. Garages experienced to a global audience. By continuously innovating and
improved workflow management, evidenced by reduced adapting to emerging technologies, GarageLocator can
waiting times, better resource utilization, and a notable further revolutionize the auto maintenance industry and
decline in no-show appointments.
establish itself as a leading solution for vehicle care.
User satisfaction ratings consistently highlighted the REFERENCES
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IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 284