Page 299 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Conclusion Quarterly, 10(2), 35-48. Available at: Business
SnapManage has emerged as a transformative tool for photo Optimization Quarterly
studios, addressing key operational challenges and [6] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
improving overall efficiency. Its ability to integrate various “An Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning
processes into a single platform ensures a seamless
experience for both businesses and clients. However, there is Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1st International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
room for improvement in areas such as user training and Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10th & 11th June 2022, 2456-
system customization.
3463, Volume 7, PP. 25-30,
Future Scope
Future developments could focus on: [7] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
1. Enhancing customization options to cater to diverse “Revealing and Classification of Deepfakes Videos
studio needs.
Images using a Customize Convolution Neural
2. Introducing AI-driven analytics for better decision- Network Model”, International Conference on
making. Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE),
7th & 8th September 2022, 2636-2652, Volume 218,
3. Expanding cloud-based storage capabilities for larger PP. 2636-2652,
4. Simplifying the onboarding process to reduce [8] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar (2023), “Unmasking
implementation challenges.
Deep Fakes: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical
References Considerations”, 4th International Conference on
[1] Smith, J., & Taylor, R. (2022). The Role of Software in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE),19th &
Transforming Small Business Operations. Business 20th August 2023, 978-981-99-8661-3, Volume 1115,
Tech Journal, 15(3), 45-60. Available at: Business PP. 249-262,
Tech Journal 8661-3_19
[2] Doe, A. (2021). Integrated Solutions for Photography [9] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2021),
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[3] Johnson, K. (2020). Client Management Systems for Issue 6, PP. 1132-1140,
Photographers. Tech Trends, 12(4), 50-67. Available
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[10] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar (2024), “Design an
[4] SnapManage Official Documentation (2023). efficient VARMA LSTM GRU model for identification of
Retrieved from
deep-fake images via dynamic window-based spatio-
[5] Miller, L. (2019). Operational Challenges in temporal analysis”, International Journal of
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