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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Predictive Valuation Techniques:
Integrating Vehicle Data with VehicleLogix
Prathmesh. S. Mandavkar , Sanket. G. Karole , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT factors such as mileage, age, and maintenance history.
The rapid advancements in vehicular technology and data Similarly, IoT devices have been shown to enhance the
analytics have provided a new avenue for predictive accuracy of real-time data collection (Brown et al., 2020).
valuation, enabling smarter decision-making processes in VehicleLogix builds on these foundational studies by
vehicle management, resale, and maintenance. integrating multiple data sources, including IoT devices,
VehicleLogix, a sophisticated data integration platform, historical records, and market trends, into a unified
leverages real-time vehicular data and predictive predictive framework. This integration addresses limitations
algorithms to enhance valuation accuracy. This research in existing valuation methods and provides actionable
investigates the integration of predictive valuation insights for stakeholders. Additionally, recent advancements
techniques with VehicleLogix, emphasizing the role of big in natural language processing (NLP) for textual data, such as
data, machine learning, and IoT in transforming traditional service records and customer reviews, have further enriched
valuation models. The study showcases the potential for valuation models.
improved transparency, reduced errors, and enhanced
profitability in the automotive industry. Additionally, the III. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK
paper examines the challenges and solutions for ensuring The proposed framework integrates real-time vehicle data
scalability and security in predictive systems while with advanced predictive analytics through the VehicleLogix
addressing future trends in valuation. platform. The key components include:
1. Data Collection and Integration: VehicleLogix collects
data from IoT sensors, telematics systems, and external
KEYWORDS: Predictive Valuation, VehicleLogix, IoT, Big Data, databases. Key parameters include mileage, engine
Machine Learning, Automotive Industry, Scalability, Security performance, fuel efficiency, and historical maintenance
records. Additionally, data from customer feedback and
I. INTRODUCTION market reviews is processed to understand brand
The automotive industry is undergoing a digital perception and resale trends.
transformation, characterized by the integration of Internet
of Things (IoT) devices, big data, and predictive analytics. 2. Data Preprocessing: Preprocessing involves data
Vehicle valuation—a crucial aspect of vehicle trading, fleet cleaning, normalization, and feature extraction. This step
management, and insurance—has traditionally relied on ensures consistency and accuracy in the predictive
static data and manual assessments. These methods are not models. Outlier detection and removal techniques, such
only time-consuming but often inaccurate, leading to as Z-score analysis, are employed to maintain data
discrepancies in value estimation. quality.
VehicleLogix, an advanced platform that amalgamates real- 3. Predictive Algorithms: Machine learning models such
time data and predictive techniques, aims to bridge this gap. as regression analysis, random forests, and neural
By combining multiple data streams with sophisticated networks are employed to predict vehicle valuation.
machine learning models, VehicleLogix enables stakeholders These models consider static factors (e.g., brand, model)
to achieve more precise and efficient vehicle valuation. This and dynamic factors (e.g., real-time performance
paper explores how integrating predictive analytics with metrics). Ensemble techniques are also explored to
vehicle data through VehicleLogix redefines valuation improve prediction robustness.
methodologies, enhances operational efficiencies, and 4. Visualization and Reporting: The platform provides
supports data-driven decision-making. Moreover, it intuitive dashboards and detailed reports, enabling
investigates the broader implications of predictive valuation users to interpret valuation trends and make informed
in fostering a more sustainable and transparent automotive decisions. Advanced visualization tools, including
ecosystem. heatmaps and trend analyses, are integrated to enhance
II. RELATED WORK user experience.
Predictive analytics has seen widespread applications across IV. DATA COLLECTION AND PREPROCESSING
various industries, including finance, healthcare, and A critical step in predictive valuation is the acquisition of
marketing. In the automotive sector, predictive maintenance reliable and diverse datasets. VehicleLogix utilizes three
and telematics have gained traction, but their application in primary sources:
valuation remains underexplored. Research by Smith et al. 1. Onboard Diagnostics (OBD-II) Systems: Real-time
(2021) highlights the potential of machine learning data on engine performance, fuel consumption, and fault
algorithms in assessing vehicle depreciation, emphasizing codes.
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