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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
2. Telematics Devices: GPS data, driving behavior VII. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
analysis, and usage patterns. The proposed system was evaluated using a dataset of
10,000 vehicles. Key findings include:
3. Market Trends Databases: Historical pricing, demand
patterns, and resale statistics. Ø Accuracy: Predictive models achieved an average
accuracy of 95%.
To ensure the completeness of the dataset, missing values
are handled using imputation techniques such as mean Ø Efficiency: Valuation time was reduced by 40%
substitution or k-nearest neighbors (KNN). Preprocessing compared to traditional methods.
techniques include:
Ø Scalability: The system demonstrated the ability to
Ø Data Cleaning: Removing incomplete or erroneous handle large datasets without significant performance
records. degradation.
Ø Feature Engineering: Deriving new variables such as Ø User Feedback: Stakeholders reported increased
"average speed per trip" and "time since last confidence in the valuation process. Surveys revealed a
maintenance." 30% improvement in user satisfaction compared to
Ø Normalization: Standardizing data ranges to improve legacy systems.
Ø Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component A leading fleet management company implemented
Analysis (PCA) is employed to reduce computational VehicleLogix to optimize asset valuation. Results showed a
complexity while retaining critical features. 20% improvement in resale value predictions and a 30%
reduction in operational costs. The platform enabled real-
V. PREDICTIVE ALGORITHMS time tracking of fleet health, predictive maintenance
The valuation process leverages machine learning algorithms scheduling, and better decision-making for vehicle
tailored for predictive analytics. Key techniques include: replacements. The case study underscores the platform’s
1. Linear Regression: Predicts the relationship between potential to transform industry practices and drive economic
vehicle attributes and resale value. Ideal for benefits.
straightforward models with fewer variables.
2. Random Forest: Handles complex interactions between Ensuring data security and privacy is paramount in
variables and reduces overfitting. This model is predictive valuation. VehicleLogix employs robust
particularly effective in scenarios with large datasets encryption standards, access controls, and anonymization
and diverse features. techniques to safeguard user data. Regular audits and
3. Neural Networks: Captures non-linear relationships compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA
and identifies hidden patterns. Deep learning reinforce trust among stakeholders. Future enhancements
approaches, including convolutional neural networks will include blockchain technology for secure data sharing
(CNNs), are utilized for image data (e.g., vehicle and provenance tracking.
condition photographs). X. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
4. Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM): Enhances Integrating predictive valuation techniques with
predictive accuracy by iteratively improving model VehicleLogix represents a significant advancement in the
performance. automotive industry. By leveraging real-time data and
advanced analytics, the platform enhances accuracy,
The models are evaluated using metrics such as Mean transparency, and efficiency. Future work will focus on
Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and expanding the dataset, incorporating advanced AI
R-squared values. A hybrid approach combining multiple techniques, and exploring applications in insurance and
algorithms often yields the most accurate results. leasing. Additionally, integrating blockchain technology and
VI. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION enhancing support for electric vehicles will be pivotal in
VehicleLogix’s architecture is designed for scalability and adapting to evolving market needs.
efficiency. The system comprises: REFERENCES
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