Page 305 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
including text, images, multimedia, and interactive 2.6. Existing Research on Accessibility in Media and
elements. News:
This section reviews previous studies that have examined
2.2. Impact of Disabilities on Information Access: accessibility in the media and news industries:
This section explores the specific challenges faced by
individuals with different types of disabilities when Ø Studies on website accessibility of news
accessing online news: organizations: Reviewing research that has evaluated
the accessibility of news websites using WCAG
Ø Visual impairments: Discussing the challenges related guidelines.
to screen readers, alt text for images, colour contrast,
and keyboard navigation. Ø User studies on the experiences of people with
disabilities accessing news: Examining research that
Ø Auditory impairments: Examining the importance of has explored the lived experiences of individuals with
captions, transcripts, and sign language interpretation disabilities when accessing news content.
for multimedia content.
Ø Research on the impact of accessibility interventions
Ø Cognitive impairments: Exploring the challenges in news: Reviewing studies that have investigated the
related to complex layouts, dense text, and inconsistent effectiveness of different accessibility interventions in
news platforms.
Ø Motor impairments: Discussing the importance of 2.7. Gaps in Existing Research:
keyboard navigation, alternative input devices, and This section identifies the gaps in existing research that this
adaptable interfaces.
study aims to address. These might include:
2.3. Assistive Technologies and Their Role: Ø A lack of comprehensive studies that combine website
This section reviews the various assistive technologies used analysis, user surveys, and expert interviews.
by individuals with disabilities to access digital content:
Ø Limited research on the intersection of disability,
Ø Screen readers: Discussing how screen readers language, and digital literacy in news access.
interpret and vocalize web content.
Ø A need for more practical and actionable
Ø Screen magnifiers: Examining how screen magnifiers recommendations for news organizations.
enlarge portions of the screen.
By reviewing the existing literature, this section establishes
Ø Captioning and transcription software: Exploring the the context for the current research and demonstrates its
technologies used to create captions and transcripts for contribution to the field of accessibility and inclusivity in
multimedia content.
online news platforms. It sets the stage for the methodology
Ø Voice recognition software: Discussing how voice and findings that will be presented in subsequent sections.
recognition software allows users to interact with 3. PROPOSED WORK
computers using their voice.
This section details the proposed methodology for the
2.4. Multilingualism and News Access: research, outlining the specific methods that will be
This section explores the challenges and opportunities employed to investigate accessibility and inclusivity in online
related to providing news in multiple languages: news platforms. This mixed-methods approach combines
quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
Ø Translation accuracy and cultural sensitivity: techniques to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
Discussing the importance of accurate and culturally research problem.
appropriate translations.
3.1. Research Questions:
Ø Multilingual website design: Examining best practices This research seeks to answer the following key questions:
for designing websites that support multiple languages.
1. What are the primary accessibility barriers encountered
Ø Automatic translation tools and their limitations: by individuals with disabilities when accessing online
Discussing the potential and limitations of machine news platforms?
translation in news dissemination. 2. How do linguistic diversity and varying levels of digital
2.5. Digital Literacy and Information Seeking: literacy impact access to and comprehension of news
This section examines the impact of digital literacy on news content?
3. What best practices and successful implementations
Ø Defining digital literacy: Discussing the various exist within the news industry for creating accessible
components of digital literacy, including information and inclusive news experiences?
literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy.
4. What actionable recommendations can be made to news
Ø The digital divide and its impact on news access: platforms to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for all
Examining how the digital divide affects access to and users?
use of online news resources.
3.2. Research Design:
Ø Strategies for promoting digital literacy: Discussing This research will employ a mixed-methods design,
initiatives aimed at improving digital literacy skills combining quantitative and qualitative data collection and
among different populations. analysis techniques. This approach allows for a more
comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the research
problem than either method could achieve alone.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 295