Page 307 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        3.5.  Ethical	Considerations:
        This	research	will	adhere	to	strict	ethical	guidelines,	including:
        Ø  Informed	Consent:	All	participants	in	the	surveys	and	interviews	will	provide	informed	consent	before	participating	in
            the	study.
        Ø  Anonymity	and	Confidentiality:	All	data	collected	will	be	anonymized	and	kept	confidential.
        Ø  Data	Security:	Data	will	be	stored	securely	and	accessed	only	by	authorized	researchers.

        3.6.  Expected	Outcomes:
        This	research	is	expected	to:
        Ø  Provide	a	comprehensive	assessment	of	the	current	state	of	accessibility	and	inclusivity	in	online	news	platforms.

        Ø  Identify	specific	accessibility	barriers	and	challenges	faced	by	different	user	groups.
        Ø  Highlight	best	practices	and	successful	examples	of	accessible	news	design.
        Ø  Develop	actionable	recommendations	for	news	organizations	to	improve	accessibility	and	inclusivity.
        By	 employing	 this	 rigorous	 and	 comprehensive	 methodology,	 this	 research	 aims	 to	 contribute	 significantly	 to	 the
        understanding	and	improvement	of	accessibility	and	inclusivity	in	online	news,	ultimately	promoting	a	more	informed	and
        equitable	society.
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        Evaluating	the	performance	of	"Breaking	Barriers	with	VISIONary	News"	requires	assessing	both	the	research	process	and	the
        impact	of	its	findings.	Here's	a	comprehensive	approach:

        I.     Evaluation	of	the	Research	Process:
        This	focuses	on	the	rigor	and	quality	of	the	research	itself.
        Ø  Methodological	Rigor:
        •   Validity:	Did	the	research	measure	what	it	intended	to	measure?	This	can	be	assessed	through:
        Ø  Construct	Validity:	Ensuring	the	operationalization	of	concepts	(accessibility,	inclusivity,	etc.)	accurately	reflects	their
            theoretical	definitions.
        Ø  Internal	Validity:	Ensuring	that	the	observed	effects	are	due	to	the	independent	variables	and	not	extraneous	factors.

        Ø  External	Validity:	Assessing	the	generalizability	of	the	findings	to	other	contexts	and	populations.
        •   Reliability:	Were	the	data	collection	and	analysis	procedures	consistent	and	reproducible?	This	can	be	assessed	through:
        Ø  Inter-rater	reliability:	For	qualitative	coding	and	website	accessibility	evaluations,	ensuring	consistency	between
            different	coders/evaluators.
        Ø  Test-retest	reliability:	For	surveys,	assessing	the	consistency	of	responses	over	time.
        •   Sample	 Representativeness:	 Was	 the	 sample	 of	 news	 platforms	 and	 participants	 representative	 of	 the	 broader
        •   Data	Quality:	Was	the	data	collected	and	managed	effectively?	This	includes	checking	for	data	completeness,	accuracy,	and

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	297
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