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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        IMPACT	OF	FUTURE	DEVELOPMENTS	                         [2]   Ţepelea,	 I.	 Gavriluţ,	 and	 A.	 Gacsadi,	 "Smartphone
        1.  Global	Accessibility:	                                  application	to	assist	visually	impaired	people,"	14th
        Ø  Expanded	inclusivity	will	allow	blind	and	speech/deaf-   International	Conference	on	Engineering	of	Modern
            impaired	users	worldwide	to	participate	equally	in	news	  Electric	Systems	(EMES),	Oradea,	2017,	pp.	228-231.

        2.  Social	Empowerment:	                               [3]   M.	Awad,	J.	E.	Haddad,	E.	Khneisser,	T.	Mahmoud,	E.
        Ø  More	 accessible	 platforms	 will	 amplify	 the	 voices	 of	  Yaacoub	 and	 M.	 Malli,	 "Intelligent	 eye:	 A	 mobile
            marginalized	communities	and	foster	a	more	equitable	   application	for	assisting	blind	people",	IEEE	Middle
            society.	                                               East	and	North	Africa	Communications	Conference
                                                                    (MENACOMM),	     Jounieh,	  2018,	  pp.	  1-6.
        3.  Increased	Engagement:	                        
        Ø  Enhanced	 personalization	 and	 accessibility	 will
            encourage	higher	engagement	and	loyalty	among	users	  [4]   R.	Kasthuri,	B.	Nivetha,	S.	Shabana,	M.	Veluchamy	and
            with	disabilities.	                                     S.	 Sivakumar,	 "Smart	 device	 for	 visually	 impaired
                                                                    people",	Third	International	Conference	on	Science
        4.  Compliance	and	Innovation	Leadership:	                  Technology	Engineering	&	Management	(ICONSTEM),
        Ø  Platforms	that	lead	in	accessibility	innovation	will	set	  Chennai,2017,	         pp.	          54-59.
            industry	 standards	 and	 drive	 global	 adoption	 of
            inclusive	practices.
                                                               [5]   Hoonlor,	S.	P.	N.	Ayudhya,	S.	Harnmetta,	S.	Kitpanon,
        CONCLUSION	                                                 and	 K.	 Khlaprasit,	 "UCap:	 A	 Crowd	 sourcing
        This	 study	 revealed	 significant	 accessibility	 barriers	 on	  application	 for	 the	 visually	 impaired	 and	 blind
        mainstream	 news	 platforms	 for	 blind	 individuals,	      persons	 on	 Android	 smartphone",	 International
        particularly	 concerning	 image	 descriptions,	 complex	    Computer	 Science	 and	 Engineering	 Conference
        navigation,	and	the	lack	of	alternative	content	formats.	While	  (ICSEC),	  Chiang	  Mai,	  2015,	  pp.	  1-6.
        some	 platforms	 demonstrated	 efforts	 towards	 auditory
        accessibility,	challenges	remain	in	providing	nuanced	audio
        descriptions,	accessible	data	visualizations,	and	personalized	  [6]   M.	 N.	 Kumar,	 P.	 C.	 L.	 Chandar,	 A.	 V.	 Prasad	 and	 K.
        audio	experiences.	Our	research	highlighted	the	critical	need	  Sumangali,	"Android-based	educational	Chatbot	for
        for	improved	integration	with	assistive	technologies,	such	as	  visually	 impaired	 people",	 IEEE	 International
        screen	readers,	and	the	importance	of	user-centred	design	in	  Conference	 on	 Computational	 Intelligence	 and
        creating	truly	accessible	news	experiences.	The	study	also	  Computing	Research	(ICCIC),	Chennai,2016,	pp.	1-4.
        underscored	 the	 impact	 of	 inaccessible	 news	 on	 social
        inclusion	 and	 participation,	 with	 blind	 participants	  [7]   S.	 M.	 R.	 Bagwan	 and	 L.	 J.	 Sank	 pal,	 "Visual	 Pal:	 A
        expressing	feelings	of	exclusion	and	limited	access	to	vital	  mobile	 app	 for	 object	 recognition	 for	 the	 visually
                                                                    impaired",	 International	 Conference	 on	 Computer,
        REFERENCES	                                                 Communication	and	Control	(IC4),	Indore,	2015,	pp.
         [1]   P.	 Kardys,	 A.	 Dąbrowski,	 M.	 Iwanowski	 and	 D.	  1-6
              Huderek	(2016),	A	new	Android	application	for	blind	  [8]   K	 Shankar,	 S	 Dhaarani,	 S	 Kaviya	 Shree,	 "Android
              and	 visually	 impaired	 people,	 Signal	 Processing:	  Application	 for	 Visually	 Impaired",	 International
              Algorithms,	 Architectures,	 Arrangements,	 and
              applications	  (SPA),	   Poznan.	   152-155.L	        Journal	for	Research	Trends	and	Innovation,	Volume
                                                                    2,	Issue	4,	ISSN:	2456-3315,	2017.

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	301
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