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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Analyzing Rental Trends:
Determinants of Flat Rent Pricing and Market Dynamics
Mr. Ashish Shahane , Mr. Shantanu Jodh , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT There are several interrelated aspects that affect rental
A complex interaction of economic, social, and property- pricing, but location is by far the most important. Due to
specific factors affects the dynamics of rental markets. With their accessibility and convenience, properties in urban
a focus on the functions of location, amenities, market areas near commercial areas, educational institutions, and
trends, and regulatory frameworks, this study investigates transportation hubs usually fetch higher rental prices.
the factors that influence flat rent pricing and market Tenant choices and rental prices are also greatly influenced
behavior. It also looks at how decision-making is affected by by property-specific features including size, layout, and
changes in rental preferences following the pandemic and amenities. Demand and affordability in rental markets are
the emergence of technology-driven platforms. This study also influenced by broader economic factors, such as
highlights predictive aspects to optimize tactics and reveals inflation, interest rates, and employment rates.
important trends that influence rental pricing by The dynamics of the rental market have changed
integrating previous literature and evaluating real-time significantly in recent years, mostly as a result of
data. The results provide useful information for investors, international events like the COVID-19 epidemic. Tenants
landlords, tenants, and legislators navigating the ever
changing rental market. Additionally, this study explores have reevaluated their objectives as a result of these shifts,
which has raised demand for larger, more flexible spaces as
how tenant behavior has changed since the pandemic, well as properties in suburban or less populous locations.
including a growing inclination for larger spaces and The renting process has also been completely transformed
suburban houses as well as a growing dependence on
digital technologies for rental management and property by digital transformation, with websites like RentHub and
Zillow offering both landlords and tenants previously
selection. Through the utilization of sophisticated analytical unheard-of levels of efficiency and openness.
techniques and the synthesis of extensive data, this study
yields practical insights for a range of stakeholders. The These changes are significant because they reflect larger
conclusions of this study are intended to give landlords, social and economic shifts rather than just individual
tenants, legislators, and investors the tools they need to transactions. The goal of this article is to give a thorough
adapt and prosper in a changing rental ecosystem, whether picture of the changing nature of the rental market by
that means projecting market trends, filling regulatory examining rental trends and identifying the major factors
loopholes, or improving rental pricing tactics. that affect flat rent prices. Additionally, it draws attention to
new opportunities and difficulties, providing insightful
KEYWORDS: The Operation of Housing Markets, Important information for all parties involved who want to successfully
Factors Affecting Flat Rent Prices, Demand and Supply of navigate and adjust to these changing situations.
rental Properties
The research attempts to provide practical insights for a
1. INTRODUCTION variety of stakeholders by using an interdisciplinary
Globally, the rental housing sector has a significant impact on approach. This means finding profitable possibilities and
the economic landscape and urban living conditions. Many optimising property portfolios for investors and landlords. It
people find that renting provides an affordable and entails legislators creating well-informed rules to guarantee
adaptable housing option that may accommodate a variety of housing accessibility and affordability. It focusses on how
demographics, including students, young professionals, and tenants may successfully navigate the rental market. The
temporary employees. Understanding the fundamental ultimate goal of this study is to further knowledge about
characteristics of rental markets has become crucial for all rental markets and how they might revolutionise the larger
parties involved, from landlords and renters to investors and housing industry.
politicians, as urbanisation picks up speed and housing
affordability becomes a major issue in many areas.
2. How Housing Markets Work :-
Fig. 1
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