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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        characteristics,	 including	 New	 York	 City,	 London,	 and	  Ø  Economic	Factors:	Income	levels	and	employment	rates
        Mumbai.	Interviews	with	industry	experts,	real	estate	agents,	  were	found	to	have	a	direct	correlation	with	rental	price
        policymakers,	and	tenants	provide	a	deeper	understanding	  trends.	In	cities	where	incomes	have	stagnated	or	fallen,
        of	the	practical	implications	of	market	trends	and	regulatory	  rental	 prices	 have	 remained	 flat	 or	 decreased.
        measures.	                                                Conversely,	cities	with	strong	economic	growth	have
                                                                  experienced	rising	rental	costs.
        4.  Results	and	Discussion
        4.1.  Trends	in	Rental	Market	Dynamics	                Ø  Population	 Growth	 and	 Urbanization:	 Cities	 with
        The	 analysis	 reveals	 several	 key	 trends	 in	 the	 urban	 flat	  rapid	population	growth,	such	as	Mumbai	and	Jakarta,
        rental	market:	                                           have	 seen	 significant	 demand	 for	 rental	 housing,
        Ø  Rising	Rental	Prices:	Urban	areas,	especially	in	high-  pushing	 up	 rental	 prices.	 This	 is	 particularly	 true	 in
            demand	 cities,	 have	 seen	 a	 consistent	 rise	 in	 rental	  areas	 with	 limited	 housing	 development	 due	 to	 land
            prices	over	the	past	decade,	driven	by	growing	urban	  constraints	or	bureaucratic	delays.
            populations	and	limited	housing	supply.	This	trend	has	  Ø  Supply	and	Demand	Imbalance:	A	fundamental	driver
            exacerbated	  housing	  affordability	  challenges,	  of	 rental	 prices	 is	 the	 balance	 between	 supply	 and
            particularly	for	low-income	renters.
                                                                  demand.	In	cities	with	restricted	housing	supply,	such	as
        Ø  The	Role	of	Gentrification:	Gentrification	has	been	a	  London	and	New	York,	competition	among	renters	has
            key	 driver	 in	 certain	 cities,	 where	 neighborhoods	  driven	prices	higher,	exacerbating	affordability	issues.
            previously	dominated	by	lower-income	residents	are	  Ø  Government	Policy:	The	study	finds	that	rent	control
            increasingly	 becoming	 attractive	 to	 higher-income	  laws	and	zoning	regulations	have	mixed	effects	on	rental
            tenants.	 This	 trend	 has	 pushed	 up	 rental	 prices,
            particularly	in	cities	like	New	York,	London,	and	San	  markets.	In	cities	with	strict	rent	control	measures,	such
                                                                  as	Berlin,	rental	price	increases	have	been	limited,	but
                                                                  housing	supply	has	been	restricted,	leading	to	longer
        Ø  Technological	Transformation:	The	growth	of	online	    waiting	times	for	tenants.
            property	platforms	and	short-term	rental	services	like	  4.3.  Impact	of	Technology	on	Rental	Markets
            Airbnb	 has	 reshaped	 how	 rental	 markets	 operate,	  Technological	advancements,	particularly	the	rise	of	online
            providing	 tenants	 with	 more	 options	 and	 increasing	  platforms	like	Airbnb,	have	transformed	the	urban	rental
            price	transparency.	These	platforms	have	also	increased
            competition	in	the	rental	market,	particularly	in	tourist-  market.	These	platforms	have	created	new	opportunities	for
                                                               landlords,	enabling	them	to	offer	properties	on	a	short-term
            heavy	areas.
                                                               basis	and	achieve	higher	rental	yields.	However,	they	have
        4.2.  Determinants	of	Rental	Price	Fluctuations	       also	contributed	to	rental	price	inflation	in	tourist-heavy
        Several	 determinants	 were	 identified	 as	 critical	 to	  cities,	where	short-term	rentals	reduce	the	availability	of
        understanding	rental	market	fluctuations:	             long-term	rental	properties.

        5.  Housing	Rental	Market	Trends:	Rental	Yield	in	Percentage	City	&	Year	Wise:
                                                      Chart Title

                   Bangalore  Delhi   Pune   Mumbai  Chennai Hyderabad KolkataRental yeild in percentage over the years
                                     Rental yeild in Percentage in Top Cities (Approximately) 2024(Q1)
                                     Rental yeild in Percentage in Top Cities (Approximately) 2023
                                     Rental yeild in Percentage in Top Cities (Approximately) 2022
                                     Rental yeild in Percentage in Top Cities (Approximately) 2021
                                     Rental yeild in Percentage in Top Cities (Approximately) 2020
                                     Rental yeild in Percentage in Top Cities (Approximately) 2019

        6.  Housing	Rental	Market	Trends	Increase	Or	Drop:	    According	to	the	most	recent	ANAROCK	data,	the	increase	of
        Overheated	 housing	 rentals	 are	 beginning	 to	 stabilize	 as	  rental	 costs	 in	 the	 top	 seven	 cities	 across	 Indian
        more	housing	supply	enters	the	markets	of	the	top	cities.	  marketplaces	is	trending	downward.	According	to	the	data,
        According	to	data	released	by	a	market	source,	residential	  the	second	quarter	of	2024	saw	a	rise	in	average	residential
        rentals	in	important	micro	markets	in	major	cities	increased	  rental	prices	across	important	markets	in	these	cities	of	2
        by	2-4%	in	Q2	2024	as	opposed	to	4-9%	in	Q1	2024.	More	  and	4%	from	the	previous	quarter.
        housing	supply	can	have	an	impact	on	housing	rental	market	  Rent	prices	in	the	top	markets	increased	by	4	to	9	percent
                                                               every	quarter	in	the	first	quarter	of	this	year	compared	to
        	                                                      the	fourth	quarter	of	the	previous	year	(Q4	2023).

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