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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        Artificial	Intelligence	in	Health	Management	          Data	Collection
        AI-based	health	systems,	as	explored	by	Nguyen	et	al.	(2022),	  Data	 can	 be	 collected	 from	 various	 reliable	 sources
        enable	personalized	interventions	by	analysing	user-specific	  depending	on	the	specific	requirements	of	the	system.	One
        data.	AI	algorithms	predict	potential	health	risks	and	provide	  primary	source	is	wearable	devices	such	as	fitness	trackers,
        recommendations	tailored	to	individual	needs.	It	can	build	  smartwatches,	 and	 medical-grade	 sensors,	 which	 can
        on	these	advancements	by	incorporating	machine	learning	  monitor	 vital	 parameters	 like	 heart	 rate,	 blood	 pressure,
        models	to	offer	predictive	health	analytics.	          blood	 oxygen	 levels,	 and	 physical	 activity	 in	 real	 time.
        Integration	of	IoT	in	Healthcare	                      Additionally,	electronic	health	records	(EHRs)	from	hospitals
        The	Internet	of	Things	(IoT)	facilitates	seamless	connectivity	  or	clinics	can	provide	historical	patient	data,	including	lab
        between	devices,	enabling	data	sharing	and	holistic	health	  test	results,	medical	history,	and	prescriptions,	which	are
        management.	Alotaibi	and	Mehmood	(2020)	discuss	the	role	  invaluable	for	analysis	and	predictions.	Publicly	available
        of	 IoT	 in	 enhancing	 patient	 care	 through	 interconnected	  healthcare	datasets,	such	as	those	from	organizations	like	the
        systems.	It	could	leverage	IoT	to	create	a	comprehensive	  World	Health	Organization	(WHO)	or	the	Centres	for	Disease
        ecosystem	for	personalized	health	management.	         Control	 and	 Prevention	 (CDC),	 can	 also	 be	 utilized	 for
                                                               demographic	 and	 epidemiological	 insights.	 If	 the	 system
        Behavioural	Health	and	Digital	Platforms	              involves	 patient-specific	 monitoring,	 direct	 user	 input
        Digital	 platforms	 like	 MyFitnessPal	 and	 Headspace	 have	  through	 questionnaires,	 mobile	 applications,	 or	 online
        shown	 the	 effectiveness	 of	 personalized	 health	 plans	 in	  portals	can	be	another	source	of	data.	Furthermore,	IoT-
        encouraging	 behavioural	 change.	 Research	 by	 Firth	 et	 al.	  enabled	 medical	 devices	 like	 glucose	 monitors,	 ECG
        (2019)	 highlights	 how	 mobile	 applications	 can	 support	  machines,	and	respiratory	trackers	can	provide	continuous
        mental	health	and	fitness	goals	by	providing	personalized,	  and	detailed	health	metrics.	Ethical	considerations,	including
        evidence-based	strategies.	                            data	privacy	and	user	consent,	must	be	prioritized	while
        Data	Privacy	and	Security	Concerns	                    collecting	and	processing	this	data.
        The	 collection	 and	 analysis	 of	 personal	 health	 data	 raise	  Here's	a	table	of	common	diseases	and	their	symptoms:
        concerns	about	privacy	and	security.	Studies	by	Zhang	et	al.
        (2023)	underline	the	importance	of	adopting	secure	data	   Disease	               Symptoms
        storage	and	processing	techniques	to	maintain	user	trust.	It	          Sneezing,	runny	or	stuffy	nose,	sore
        could	 integrate	 blockchain	 or	 advanced	 encryption	 to	  Common	Cold	  throat,	coughing,	mild	headache,	low-
        address	these	challenges.	                                             grade	fever
                                                                               High	fever,	body	aches,	chills,	fatigue,
        Real-World	Applications	                                Influenza	     sore	throat,	cough,	congestion,
        Several	healthcare	initiatives,	such	as	IBM	Watson	Health	  (Flu)	     headache
        and	 Google	 Health,	 focus	 on	 providing	 personalized	              Sore	throat,	difficulty	swallowing,	red
        solutions.	These	platforms	have	laid	the	groundwork	for	this	  Strep	Throat	  or	swollen	tonsils,	white	patches	on
        to	 build	 an	 adaptive	 system	 that	 addresses	 gaps	 like	          tonsils,	fever
        accessibility,	affordability,	and	engagement.	By	synthesizing	         Increased	thirst,	frequent	urination,
        insights	 from	 wearable	 technology,	 AI,	 IoT,	 and	 digital	  Diabetes	  fatigue,	blurred	vision,	slow-heading
        platforms,	it	has	the	potential	to	redefine	personalized	health	  (Type	2)	  sores
        monitoring	 and	 management,	 ensuring	 improved	 health	  Hypertension
        outcomes	while	addressing	privacy	and	security	challenges.	  (High	Blood	  Headaches	(sometimes),	shortness	of
        III.   PROPOSED	WORK	                                   Pressure)	     breath,	nosebleeds	(in	severe	cases)
        In	this	phase,	the	running	process	to	detect	diseases	and
        their	kinds,	which	are	provided	in	Fig.	1,	is	defined	simply.	  There	are	numerous	diseases	that	pose	significant	challenges
        The	 category	 of	 detected	 diseases	 is	 a	 completely	  to	mankind.	These	can	be	broadly	categorized	inti	infectious
        comprehensive	 study.	 The	 overview	 of	 the	 proposed	  diseases,	 chronic	 diseases,	 genetic	 disorders,	 and	 mental
        framework	for	different	disorder	class	is	proven	in	figure	1.	  health	conditions.
        As	you	can	see	seen	from	the	framework,	specific	datasets	  1.  Infectious	Diseases
        had	 been	 used	 for	 disease	 detection	 and	 classification.	  These	are	cause	by	pathogens	such	as	bacteria,	viruses,	fungi
        Within	 the	 first	 degree	 of	 the	 framework,	 photos	 were	  or	parasites	and	can	spread	between	individuals.
        obtained	 and	 rescaled	 at	 a	 certain	 length	 as	 photo	 pre-  Ø  COVID-19:	Caused	by	the	SARS-CoV-2	virus,	it	became	a
        processing	strategies.	At	this	degree,	the	pictures	had	been	  global	pandemic	in	2020,	affecting	millions	worldwide.
        subjected	to	normalisation,	and	the	pixel	values	have	been
        confined	to	a	positive	value	range.	                   Ø  Tuberculosis	 (TB):	 A	 bacterial	 infection	 caused	 by
                                                                  Mycobacterium	tuberculosis	affecting	the	lungs.
        The	technique	is	split	into	4	sub-sections:	input	of	symptoms,
        information	pre-processing,	disease	detection,	and	at	last	the	  Ø  HIV/AIDS:	 A	 viral	 disease	 caused	 by	 the	 Human
        results	for	the	input	i.	e.	health	advice.	               Immunodeficiency	 Virus	 that	 weakens	 the	 immune

                                                               Ø  Malaria:	Caused	by	Plasmodium	parasites	transmitted
                                                                  through	mosquito	bites.
                                                               Ø  Influenza:	Seasonal	flu	caused	by	influenza	viruses,	with
                                                                  potential	for	global	pandemics.
                                                               2.  Chronic	Diseases
                                                           	   These	are	long	lasting	conditions	that	often	require	lifelong
                   Fig.1	The	flow	of	Proposed	work	            management.

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