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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
            personalized	 health	 recommendations	 and	 clear	    energy	levels,	reduced	stress,	and	better	sleep	quality
            visualizations	as	major	positive	aspects.	            after	following	personalized	recommendations.
        Ø  Task	Completion	Rate:	The	task	completion	rate	for	  VII.   CONCLUSION
            key	 functions	 (e.g.,	 inputting	 data,	 following	 health	  WellnessGuard:	 A	 Comprehensive	 Approach	 to
            recommendations,	 tracking	 progress)	 was	 95%,	  Personalized	Health	Monitoring	and	Preventative	Care
            indicating	high	user	engagement	and	effectiveness	of	the	  represents	 a	 significant	 advancement	 in	 how	 individuals
            system’s	design.	                                  manage	their	health	and	well-being.	By	combining	real-time
                                                               health	data	collection,	AI-powered	analysis,	and	personalized
        Ø  Learning	 Curve:	 The	 average	 time	 for	 new	 users	 to	  recommendations,	WellnessGuard	empowers	users	to	take
            learn	how	to	use	the	system	effectively	was	15	minutes,	  proactive	 control	 of	 their	 health,	 shifting	 the	 focus	 from
            with	minimal	technical	support	needed.	This	suggests	a	  reactive	 treatment	 to	 preventative	 care.	 The	 evaluation
            low	learning	curve	and	high	user	adoption	potential.
                                                               results	indicate	that	WellnessGuard	is	effective	in	delivering
        3.  User	Engagement	and	Adherence	                     accurate	health	insights,	predicting	potential	health	risks,
        Maintaining	long-term	engagement	and	adherence	to	health	  and	fostering	positive	behavioural	changes	among	users.	The
        recommendations	is	essential	to	achieving	positive	health	  system’s	seamless	integration	with	wearable	devices,	mobile
        outcomes.	                                             applications,	and	healthcare	providers	enhances	its	utility,
        Ø  Retention	Rate:	After	6	months	of	use,	the	retention	  making	it	a	valuable	tool	for	both	individuals	and	healthcare
            rate	was	78%,	with	a	steady	number	of	users	returning	  professionals.	  The	  inclusion	  of	  personalized
            daily	to	track	their	health	data	and	receive	insights.	This	  recommendations	 based	 on	 individual	 health	 profiles
            high	retention	rate	indicates	sustained	engagement	and	  ensures	that	users	receive	tailored	advice,	which	has	shown
            interest	in	using	the	system.	                     a	positive	impact	on	health	outcomes.	Moreover,	its	user
                                                               engagement	 features,	 including	 gamification,	 progress
        Ø  Frequency	of	Interaction:	On	average,	users	interacted	  tracking,	and	social	support,	help	maintain	user	motivation
            with	 the	 system	 4-5	 times	 per	 week,	 with	 peak	  and	adherence	to	healthy	practices.	Its	secure	data	handling
            engagement	seen	in	users	following	personalized	fitness	  and	adherence	to	privacy	regulations	further	ensure	that
            and	diet	recommendations.
                                                               users	 can	 trust	 the	 system	 with	 their	 sensitive	 health
        Ø  Behavioural	 Change:	 65%	 of	 users	 reported	     information.	 In	 conclusion,	 it	 has	 the	 potential	 to
            improvements	in	their	lifestyle	behaviours,	including	  revolutionize	 the	 way	 people	 approach	 their	 health	 by
            increased	physical	activity	and	healthier	eating	habits.	  offering	 a	 holistic,	 personalized,	 and	 preventative	 care
            These	behavioural	changes	were	measured	through	self-  model.	 As	 the	 system	 continues	 to	 evolve,	 it	 holds	 the
            reported	data	and	consistent	tracking	of	health	metrics	  promise	of	not	only	improving	individual	health	outcomes
            such	as	weight,	exercise,	and	dietary	intake.	     but	also	reducing	the	burden	on	healthcare	systems,	paving
                                                               the	way	for	a	healthier	and	more	informed	society.
        Ø  Gamification	and	Social	Features:	Users	who	actively
            participated	 in	 the	 social	 features	 and	 gamified	  VIII.   REFERENCES
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