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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)
          Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies
                                    Available	Online:	e-ISSN:	2456	–	6470

                               Smart	Vehicle	Management	System:

                  A	Case	Study	of	VehicleLogix	for	Valuation	Precision

                           Prathamesh	Machave , Harshal	Karare , Prof.	Usha	Kosarkar
                                         1,2,3 Department	of	Science	and	Technology,
                      1,2 G	H	Raisoni	Institute	of	Engineering	and	Technology,	Nagpur,	Maharashtra,	India
                      3 G	H	Raisoni	College	of	Engineering	and	Management,	Nagpur, Maharashtra,	India

        ABSTRACT	                                                 [Author	 Name]	 highlights	 the	 integration	 of	 GPS	 and
        Vehicle	management	systems	play	a	pivotal	role	in	modern	  telematics	in	improving	fleet	efficiency.	This	technology
        transportation	by	streamlining	operations,	optimizing	asset	  facilitates	better	decision-making,	reduces	delays,	and
        utilization,	and	improving	valuation	precision.	This	paper	  ensures	higher	vehicle	utilization.
        focuses	 on	 "VehicleLogix,"	 a	 smart	 vehicle	 management	  2.  Predictive	 Maintenance	 Systems:	 Studies	 by	 [Author
        system	that	integrates	advanced	algorithms,	IoT	sensors,	  Name]	 emphasize	 the	 role	 of	 predictive	 analytics	 in
        and	 data	 analytics	 to	 enhance	 valuation	 accuracy.	 By
        leveraging	 real-time	 data	 and	 predictive	 modeling,	  reducing	 downtime	 by	 anticipating	 vehicle	 failures.
                                                                  Predictive	 maintenance	 systems	 not	 only	 improve
        VehicleLogix	enables	precise	assessments	of	vehicle	health,	  reliability	 but	 also	 contribute	 to	 cost	 savings	 by
        market	 value,	 and	 operational	 efficiency.	 The	 study
        demonstrates	how	this	system	enhances	decision-making	    preempting	expensive	repairs.
        for	 fleet	 operators,	 dealerships,	 and	 insurers,	 ultimately	  3.  Valuation	Models:	Research	in	machine	learning	has	led
        improving	productivity	and	cost	efficiency.	Furthermore,	  to	advancements	in	automated	valuation	models	(AVMs)
        the	 implications	 for	 sustainability	 and	 regulatory	  for	 vehicles.	 [Author	 Name]	 explores	 the	 use	 of	 AI
        compliance	are	discussed,	showcasing	the	holistic	benefits	  algorithms	for	predicting	residual	values	and	market
        of	adopting	such	systems.	                                trends.	 These	 models	 provide	 a	 scientific	 basis	 for

        	                                                         setting	 vehicle	 prices,	 enhancing	 transparency	 for
        KEYWORDS:	Smart	Vehicle	Management,	IoT,	Data	Analytics,	  buyers	and	sellers.
        VehicleLogix,	 Valuation	 Precision,	 Fleet	 Management,
        Predictive	Analytics,	Sustainability	                  4.  Data-Driven	Decision	Making:	[Author	Name]	discusses
        	                                                         the	role	of	data	analytics	in	transforming	traditional	fleet
        I.     INTRODUCTION	                                      management	practices.	By	leveraging	historical	and	real-
        The	 advent	 of	 smart	 technologies	 has	 transformed	 the	  time	 data,	 organizations	 can	 achieve	 strategic	 goals
        automotive	 industry,	 driving	 innovations	 in	 vehicle	  more	effectively.
        management.	 As	 transportation	 networks	 grow	 more	  VehicleLogix	builds	on	these	technologies	to	create	a	unified
        complex,	traditional	methods	of	vehicle	valuation	and	fleet	  platform	 for	 valuation	 precision	 and	 operational
        management	struggle	to	keep	pace	with	the	demands	for	  management,	setting	a	new	benchmark	for	the	industry.
        real-time	 insights,	 predictive	 analytics,	 and	 operational
        efficiency.	                                           III.   Proposed	Work
                                                               The	 proposed	 VehicleLogix	 framework	 consists	 of	 the
        VehicleLogix	represents	a	cutting-edge	solution	designed	to	  following	components:
        address	these	challenges.	By	combining	IoT-enabled	sensors,
        machine	 learning	 algorithms,	 and	 advanced	 data	   A.  Data	Acquisition
        visualization	 techniques,	 the	 system	 delivers	 precise	 and	  VehicleLogix	employs	IoT-enabled	sensors	to	collect	data	on:
        actionable	insights	into	vehicle	valuation	and	operational	  Ø  Vehicle	 health	 metrics	 (engine	 performance,	 tire
        health.	 The	 comprehensive	 capabilities	 of	 VehicleLogix	  pressure,	fuel	efficiency,	etc.)
        extend	beyond	individual	vehicle	monitoring	to	fleet-wide	  Ø  Environmental	 conditions	 such	 as	 road	 quality	 and
        optimization,	 reducing	 inefficiencies	 and	 improving	  weather
                                                               Ø  Driver	behavior,	including	speed,	braking	patterns,	and
        This	paper	examines	the	framework,	implementation,	and	   fuel	consumption	trends
        efficacy	 of	 VehicleLogix,	 highlighting	 its	 potential	 to
        revolutionize	 vehicle	 management	 practices.	 The	 study	  B.  Data	Processing
        evaluates	 its	 impact	 on	 stakeholders,	 including	 fleet	  The	system	utilizes	edge	computing	to	preprocess	raw	data
        operators,	 dealerships,	 insurers,	 and	 regulatory	 bodies.	  and	transfer	actionable	insights	to	the	cloud.	This	approach
        Additionally,	 it	 explores	 the	 broader	 implications	 for	  minimizes	latency	and	reduces	data	transmission	costs	while
        sustainability	by	reducing	carbon	footprints	and	minimizing	  ensuring	real-time	performance.
        waste	through	predictive	maintenance.	                 C.  Predictive	Analytics

        II.    Related	Work	                                   Machine	learning	models	are	employed	to:
        1.  IoT	in	Fleet	Management:	IoT	technologies	have	been	  Ø  Predict	market	trends	for	vehicle	valuation	based	on
            widely	adopted	in	fleet	management	to	enhance	real-   historical	and	current	data
            time	 monitoring	 and	 data	 acquisition.	 Research	 by

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